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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 335

Chapter 335 

“Tim, what should I do? Your grandma keeps staying at the company’s entrance and won’t budge!” Henry’s anxious voice sounded from the phone.

Timothy frowned upon hearing the news. His eyes were filled with resentment as he instructed in a cold voice, “Ignore her! Don’t give her the attention she wants!”.

He returned to the discussion after he hung up. However, he still had a rather dark look on his face.

Nicholas caught on to his terrible mood and asked, “Is something the matter?”

“Nothing. It’s just some trifle affairs.”

Since Timothy did not want to trouble Nicholas, he expunged on the matter.

But in the end, Timothy was still worried as he was concerned that Amber would cause trouble in the company. So, he said, “President Sawyer, that’s about that for the specific plan. I still have to attend to some matters in my company, so I shall take my leave first.”

Timothy started to put away the notebook and other items on the coffee table as he spoke. Nicholas frowned slightly at his actions. However, he did not stop him.

Timothy hurriedly packed up and prepared to leave. However, he suddenly remembered something when he walked to the door. And thus, he turned around abruptly and asked, “It’s Tess’ birthday at the end of the month. President Sawyer, do you want to visit her?”

Nicholas was taken aback for a moment. Then, he nodded and said, “I’ll make sure to clear my schedule.”

“Alright, I’ll take my leave now.” Timothy nodded politely and bid farewell to Nicholas again.

Nicholas pondered for a moment as he watched Timothy’s retreating silhouette. Then, he turned, went back to his desk, and called Edward into his office via internal


“President Sawyer, what’s the matter?”

“Send someone to follow Timothy and see what’s going on in his company.”

Edward assented and left.

Timothy took the taxi back to the company and saw a group of people surrounding the company’s entrance. Before he could get close, he saw Amber sitting on the ground in the middle of the crowd. She was crying and being an absolute nuisance.


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