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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 349

Chapter 349 Nicholas Went Abroad Yesterday

“Nicholas… He still has no interest in me,” Hayley said and couldn’t help but sigh.

Hearing that, Remus frowned as his brows reflected his expression.

At the sight of this, she deliberately retreated in order to advance and added, “Sometimes I can’t help but wonder whether it’s better not to force things—”

“Where did the reluctance come from? I will help you to teach that kid a lesson when I head back.” He stopped her words in dissatisfaction and persuaded her, “Don’t give up either. Nicholas has always been rather indifferent since he was a child, and he will naturally have feelings once you guys get along for a long while.”

Hayley feigned hesitance to think about his words, but how could Remus not be able to read her thoughts?

Although he was not happy, he still went ahead to say, “Well, it’s still early. Meet with Nicholas for dinner together tonight, and tell him it’s my arrangement.”

If he had said this before, then she would have been elated.

However, she couldn’t help but feel lost at this moment.

After all, in the past, she would always be rejected whenever she wanted to make an appointment with Nicholas. Yet, if there was an order from Remus, then Nicholas would definitely go with it.

When she thought of her purpose of coming over, she cautiously informed, “Nicholas went on a business trip abroad yesterday.”

Remus frowned again and when he saw Hayley hesitating to speak, he immediately guessed the girl’s purpose of visiting this time.

He didn’t expose her, but instead gently replied, “Since that’s the case, then we’ll reschedule the meal when Nicholas returns.”

When she saw how he had maintained his silence about Nicholas’ trip abroad, Hayley nodded in disappointment. In fact, she really wanted to ask Remus whether Nicholas went abroad to meet Tessa.

However, when the words reached her mouth, she swallowed them back.

It was because Hayley was afraid that Remus would think that she was too preoccupied with gains and losses. She wouldn’t want to seem too earnest, which would cause the man to greatly reduce his impression of her and make her lose more than what she could gain.

Now that she had nothing to gain, she sat for a while before proposing to make a move.

Remus watched her disappear into the garden, called the housekeeper over and said in a cold voice, “Go and investigate Nicholas’ whereabouts abroad and see whether he has gone to see Tessa Reinhart.”

“Yes.” After being instructed, the butler left.

In the evening, the housekeeper received feedback from his subordinates after dinner.


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