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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 358

Chapter 358 Present

“I don’t need your help.”

“Yes, of course you don’t.”

They played around for a while, and Tessa started to let loose. Nicholas noticed that, and he picked her up. “Alright, fun’s over. Time for breakfast. And we’ll have to pamper Gregory a little.”

“Huh? Why?” Tessa looked at him, confused.

Nicholas smiled. “We left him alone the whole night, and he’s going to be angry about it. Not to mention I took you for myself the whole night.”


For some reason, she had a feeling Nicholas was trying to say something else, and she glared at him in embarrassment. “It’s all your fault!”

Wait. Gregory was with Timothy. Oh no. That means Timothy knows about this too. Her face turned pink. How am I supposed to face them? She still had to see them no matter how reluctant she was. Fortunately, she calmed down a lot after she washed herself up.


A while later, they went to knock on the door of the house next door, and Timothy came to open it. He looked at the two of them, his gaze mysterious.

Nicholas let him look all he wanted, though Tessa seemed fidgety. She tried to ease the awkward air, and she said, “Good morning, Timothy.”

“Morning, Tessa.”

It got even more awkward. In the end, Tessa put her pride aside and asked, “Is Greg up?”

“Yes, and he is sulking.” He opened the door fully and let them in.

They saw Gregory in the living room, though his back was turned on them angrily. Amused, Tessa went and sat beside him. “We’re back, Greg.”


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