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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 366

Chapter 366 Backstory

Tessa sighed. He’s just… Forget it. He’s just being nice, and he did help me.

After they bought the cake, Scott sent her home.

“You should go home now, Mr. Brooks.” Tessa waved him goodbye at the neighborhood’s entrance.

Scott nodded. “You go in first. I’ll leave after I see you off.”

Tessa went into her neighborhood with her cake in hand. After she disappeared from his sight, Scott left.


Tessa turned on her house’s light, and the darkness slunk away. She put the cake in the fridge and went to the couch in the living room. The silence in the house made her feel sad all of a sudden. I wonder if they have landed.

The house was merry while they were around, but now that she was alone, it seemed empty. She sighed. Well, guess this is what happens if you’re too happy. Once the people are gone, you’ll start to feel lonely. It hadn’t even been half a day, and she was already missing them.


Ever since they got onto the plane, Gregory had been feeling down. He lay in his father’s arms and didn’t say a word. Nicholas wasn’t too bothered about it. He knew the boy would be fine once he got over it.

Timothy looked heartbroken, however. He extended his hand and smiled. “Wanna play with me, Greg?”

“Play by yourself, Mr. Timothy. I am not in the mood for it.” The boy shook his head, and he sounded down.


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