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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 368

Chapter 368 Argument

Nicholas ignored him and went into the residence.

Remus was waiting in the resplendent living room. His butler told him that Nicholas had returned, and when his grandson came in, he picked his teacup up and sipped from it. “You’re back,” he said majestically.

“What’s with the engagement?” Nicholas stood in the living room, looking at his grandfather coldly, and tension rose in the air.

Remus paused, and he looked at Nicholas in displeasure. “Are you questioning me?”

“If you want to think like that, then yes.” Nicholas didn’t deny it. He said calmly, “There are some lines you should never cross.”

“Are you telling me what to do?” Remus’ face fell and he slammed his cup down. He insisted, “You’re going to get engaged whether you like it or not.”

“I won’t do it.” Nicholas was even more stubborn. “If you want to go on with it, then do it. But there won’t be a groom during the engagement banquet.”

“Are you threatening me?” Remus flew into a rage. “I know what you’re thinking. You don’t want to get engaged because you want that Reinhart woman to be your girlfriend, don’t you?”

“As long as she’s not someone you want me to marry.” Nicholas didn’t give him a straight answer, but refusal was written all over his face.


Remus was livid that Nicholas was going against him time and again. “That wench must have deceived you. I will never allow you to marry that woman! The lady of the family must come from an equally powerful family!”

Nicholas looked angry as well, and his patience ran out. He simply laid all his cards on the table and shot back, “Gregory is Tessa’s son. Why can’t she be my wife?”



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