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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 375

Chapter 375 Matchmaker

She would go to the orchestra early in the morning and only come home in the evening. Her skills improved a lot too. Hathaway was incredibly strict to her. Sometimes, she would ask Tessa to keep playing a note until she felt that it was right before they moved on. On some days, Tessa would spend half the day playing just one note, but Tessa was patient. She didn’t think Hathaway was intentionally making things difficult for her.

Hathaway liked that part of her. Patience was a requirement for every musician, but few had the patience to play only one note for hours on end. However, Hathaway didn’t have much time to teach her every day. The orchestra had an important performance in the following month, and she spent most of her time on that.

“You should play that note slightly lower. And you went into this note here one and a half beat too fast,” Scott said gently. They were in the training room. He was in a grey casual suit, standing beside Tessa. The light shone on him through the window, making him look like an elegant prince who came straight out of a fairy tale.

Tessa wasn’t affected by his looks in the slightest, and she was seriously playing the bar of music again.

Scott looked at her, his eyes shining with a special tenderness for her.


Ever since he knew Hathaway had to work on the orchestra most of her time, he volunteered to teach Tessa. His orchestra was on break anyway, and he had nothing to do.

Tessa was grateful for Scott’s teachings. His classes were lively, and he could always accurately point out her flaws in music theory and sense. Now, she wasn’t facing too much difficulty when she tried to enter the zone. It would happen in just moments most of the time.


When Hathaway came to check on her progress after she was done with the orchestra, she bumped into a beautiful performance. She quietly went to the training room and saw Tessa playing the violin passionately. Her timber and transition had shown great improvements, and after she was done playing, Hathaway went inside, clapping her hands. “It’s only been two days, Scott, but she has improved a lot. You’re so good, I want you in my orchestra. How does that sound?”

“You’ll have to talk to our music director about that,” Scott answered with a smile.


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