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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 378

Chapter 378 Longing

She did it right away. A beautiful violin tune was heard coming from her room, and those who were burning the midnight oil around started drifting to sleep. She sent Nicholas the recording once she was done, and she said, ‘You can listen to this if you can’t sleep at night.’

Nicholas got the text, and he smiled. He played the recording, and the beautiful melody filled his office with warm comfort. A while later, he paused the recording, and he replied, ‘I like it. Get some sleep now. Good night.’

A moment later, she texted, ‘Good night.’

He looked at her text, and his smile broadened. Nicholas brushed his finger across her profile picture, his eyes filled with tenderness, and the uncaring air around him seemed to have lifted a little. He kept his phone a while later and went back to work.

Tessa woke up early the next morning and washed herself up, then she went and made breakfast. Tessa read through the news back at home while she ate. Because of the time difference, she knew it was late night back home, so she didn’t disturb Nicholas.

She took her violin and went to the orchestra after breakfast. Lots of people were already there when she came, and they greeted her warmly.

When she walked past the main practice room, Tessa saw Kathleen talking about something with the other members. She wasn’t curious about what they were talking about, so she was just going to say hi and go on with her training in the next room. But before she could leave, Kathleen said, “Miss Reinhart, please come here for a moment.”

Tessa was surprised by the formality Kathleen was showing her, and she looked at Kathleen in puzzlement. Kathleen was smiling as usual, but Tessa still felt that something was off. She pursed her lips and pushed that thought down. It’s just a title. Nothing to worry about. “What is it?” she asked.

“Are you from Southend?”

“Yes. Why?”


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