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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 385

Chapter 385 Evening

She nodded at him and sat down. “What were you doing the whole morning?” she asked with a smile. “Were you bored?”

“Dealing with work.” Nicholas smiled back and fileted a piece of fish for Tessa. “It was almost noon when I was done. Time flew by, so I wasn’t bored.”

She nodded and happily bit into the fish he fileted for her.

They chatted as they ate. When they were finished, Nicholas asked, “Are you going back to the orchestra now?”

“No. I can stay for a bit.” Tessa wanted to stay with Nicholas for a while longer. She suggested, “Why don’t we shop around for a bit? Wash down the food.”

Nicholas didn’t refuse her. He wanted to stay with her a bit longer as well. They held hands and went around the streets, and their outstanding looks attracted everyone’s attention.

Scott and Kathleen were coming out of a Western restaurant from across the street. Kathleen noticed Tessa by chance, and she looked surprised. “Hey, isn’t that Miss Reinhart?”

Scott looked where Kathleen was looking, and he saw Tessa walking together closely with another man, but because of the angle, he couldn’t see the man’s face.

Kathleen said happily, “See? I told you she’s in love, but you didn’t believe me.” She felt ecstatic, as nobody would take Scott away from her now that Tessa had a boyfriend.

Scott didn’t know what she was thinking. He forced a smile and said nothing, but when he looked at Tessa, something uneasy stirred in his heart.

Tessa had no idea about that. She was holding Nicholas’ hand, and they were shopping around like any other couple. She also bought a lot of stuff for Gregory, and Nicholas was supposed to bring them back.

Nicholas felt jealous that she was only buying things for Gregory. “Tessa,” he said softly.


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