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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 411

Chapter 411 Remus Comes to Vienna
Nicholas handed his phone to Gregory with a faint smile.
Seeing the photo, Gregory shouted excitedly, “That’s a wonderful picture you took of us, Daddy!”
Upon hearing his words, Tessa glanced down at the photo as well. In the photo, she was holding Gregory in her arms, and they were both smiling happily. Behind them were the diffused lights of the city, which made the photo look as beautiful as a fairy-tale world.
Gregory’s childish voice rang beside her again. “Too bad that Daddy isn’t in the photo.”
Upon hearing his words, Tessa also found it quite regrettable. However, she soon came up with a solution. She spoke fluently to a tourist from another boat in a foreign language, asking, “Can you help us take a picture?”
“Yes, of course,” the tourist agreed without hesitation. He didn’t forget to praise Gregory, saying, “Your kid looks as adorable as an angel.”
“Thank you,” Tessa thanked him with a bright smile. She had heard a lot of such compliments today. She had felt embarrassed at first, but now she was able to accept them.
After they exchanged a few words, the tourist got ready to take a picture of the three of them. Nicholas stepped forward to hold Tessa in his arms, whereas Gregory was still in Tessa’s arms.
A few seconds later, the photo was taken. Tessa took back her cell phone and thanked the tourist once again.
The tourist then waved them goodbye.
Wrapping his arms around Tessa’s neck, Gregory urged happily, “Quick, Miss Tessa. Let’s take a look at the photo!”
Tessa nodded. The instant she opened the photo that had been taken just now, she was totally stunned.
In the photo, the three of them were smiling happily like a family, especially Nicholas. He rarely revealed his emotions, but in the photo, he exuded tenderness through every pore as a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
Having gotten tired from the boat ride afterward, the three of them returned to the hotel’s presidential suite. Tessa helped Gregory wash up and lulled him to sleep before turning around and going to the room next door.
Nicholas had finished washing up and was sitting with his back leaning against the head of the bed in the room. When he saw Tessa come in, he said tenderly, “I’ve run the bath for you.”
“Okay.” Tessa smiled sweetly. Then, she picked up a change of clothes, turned around, and entered the bathroom.
They spent the night making out again. At the end of their lovemaking, Tessa lay in Nicholas’ arms, feeling tired and weak all over. Upon recalling how she had spent the last few days, she only felt happy and content.
The two-day weekend passed in the blink of an eye, during which time Tessa and Gregory had a lot of fun. On Monday morning, the three of them flew back to Vienna on the earliest flight.
As soon as they arrived home, Nicholas got a phone call from Kieran. “What’s the matter?”
Kieran’s anxious voice sounded through the phone. “Bad news, Nicholas! Grandpa has gone to Vienna; he’s probably gotten off the plane by now.”
Nicholas asked with a frown, “What happened?”
“Grandpa found out where you’re staying, as well as the matter between you and my future sister-in-law.” Kieran told Nicholas what he knew. Then, he urged, “Nicholas, hurry up and get her to leave. Otherwise, if Grandpa arrives at your place, he might say something offensive to her.”
“Got it.” Nicholas hung up with a clouded expression.
Seeing his expression, Tessa walked over to him and asked worriedly, “Did something happen?”
“It’s about the company, so you don’t have to worry about it.” Nicholas hid the truth from her. Then, he changed the subject, saying, “Don’t you have to go to the orchestra today? It’s getting late now. Hurry up and go.”
Tessa didn’t think much about it either. She nodded, then said goodbye to Gregory and left with her violin.
An hour later, Remus arrived at the villa with Andrew.
Upon seeing Remus, Gregory jumped off the sofa in surprise and trotted over to him. “Great-Grandpa, why are you here?” he said while carefully holding Remus by the arm. Then, he asked concernedly with a respectful expression, “Great-Grandpa, are you well now?”
When Remus saw how obedient Gregory was, his chilly expression finally broke into a faint smile. “I’m well now,” he said while looking around. Finally, his gaze fell upon Nicholas, who was standing nearby, and his eyes darkened. “Andrew, take Greg to the garden to play for a while.”


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