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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 417

Chapter 417 Nicholas’ Tenderness
Nicholas knew very well that with Remus’ personality, his giving in was just a tactic to deceive him for the time being. This was also why he didn’t agree to return to the country just now.
In the evening, Nicholas went to pick Tessa up with Gregory.
“Miss Tessa!” Gregory said in an animated voice as he flung himself into Tessa’s arms.
Upon seeing the little boy, Tessa managed a smile and picked him up.
Gregory didn’t notice how forced Tessa’s smile was, though. He asked in a childlike voice, “Miss Tessa, did you miss me today?”
“Yeah, I did,” Tessa said while planting a kiss on Gregory’s fleshy cheek.
Gregory laughed happily in response. When Tessa saw how happy he was, the gloom in her eyes dissipated somewhat.
Just then, Nicholas’ deep, affirmative voice rang beside her. “You’re not in a good mood.”
Tessa turned to look at Nicholas in surprise. “Is it that obvious?” She thought she had done a good job of concealing it.
Nicholas curled his lips into a faint smile. “I care about you, so it’s obvious to me.”
Tessa was stunned for a moment before a warmth spread through her. This guy is really getting better and better at flirting!
Just then, Gregory blinked his eyes and asked, “Miss Tessa, are you unhappy?”
Looking at the father and son who were waiting for her answer, Tessa smiled and replied, “It’s nothing. It was just that I was scolded by my mentor during my practice.” She hid the matter about Hayley. Nicholas has done a lot of stuff for me, so I’m gonna take care of this on my own, she thought.
Nicholas and Gregory believed her words. After all, they knew how conscientious she was about her practice.
Patting Tessa on the shoulder like an adult with the body of a child, Gregory comforted Tessa, saying, “Cheer up, Miss Tessa. If there’s anything you’re not good at, let’s practice more on it. Let me practice the violin with you when we get back.”
Nicholas nodded beside them. “I’ll join you guys.”
At the sight of the scene, Tessa was incredibly touched. She got into the car with them, but on their way home, she recalled the matter about Remus. She asked, “Have you visited your grandpa today?”
Nicholas’ lips quirked slightly. He replied with a smile, “Grandpa has gone back to the country.”
“He’s gone back to the country? That’s quick.” Tessa was dumbfounded. She had thought that Remus would at least spend a few days here, so she didn’t expect him to go back so soon. Does this mean that Old Master Sawyer has agreed to Nicholas and me being together?
Knowing what Tessa was thinking at a glance, Nicholas replied, “Don’t worry. Nobody will disturb us anymore.”
Upon hearing this, Tessa was both surprised and puzzled. She pursed her lips, asking, “Are you really gonna rejoin the army and settle down here?”
Having guessed some of Tessa’s thoughts, Nicholas explained with a thin smile, “Don’t think too much about it. What I mean is that even if I can’t take up permanent residence here, there’s no problem for me to stay here for a few months.”
Still, Tessa was a little worried.
Nicholas continued, “Although Grandpa seems to have given in and left, I know him well enough. He won’t give up that easily, so I’m gonna stay a while longer to make him understand that he can’t control my life.”
Convinced by the man’s words, Tessa stopped worrying about it.
A while later, Nicholas stopped the car in front of a Mediterranean restaurant. After taking Tessa and Gregory into the restaurant, he chose a table next to the window, and the three seated themselves. Through the glass window, the three could be seen talking and joking affectionately like a family.
When Hayley saw such a scene, her heart was filled with bitter jealousy. As it turned out, she had been following Tessa and Nicholas in secret ever since the couple met up. Seeing how Nicholas’ face bore a kind of tenderness that she had never seen before, she stared at Tessa with venomous eyes. How could such a low-born woman be worthy of Nicholas’ tenderness? His tenderness should’ve belonged to me alone!
She followed the three of them back to the villa. As she stared bitterly in the direction where the trio disappeared, she felt extremely resentful at being treated like this. What makes Nicholas give Tessa such special treatment? That b*tch is inferior to me in every way!


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