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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 428

Chapter 428 Looking For Tessa
With a chime, the elevator stopped on the first floor and the door opened. Originally, there were people outside the door who were waiting to enter the elevator, but they were chased away by the two attendants in the elevator. Soon after, the two attendants took Tessa, who was unconscious, out of the parking lot.
In a black car, Nicholas stared at the entrance of the hotel with a frown. He had been waiting downstairs for a long time, but he couldn’t see any trace of Tessa at all, even though she said that she would come out soon in the text message she had sent him. As the thought arose, he started to feel a little uneasy, so he picked up his phone to give her a call.
“Sorry, the number you have dialed is currently unavailable.” The robotic voice that came from the phone caused him to furrow his brows even more as his anxiousness grew.
Soon after, he hung up and opened the door before getting out of the car, intending to enter the hotel to see what was going on. However, he had just taken a few steps when he bumped into Scott, Hathaway, and Kathleen, who had exited together.
Scott was stunned when he saw Nicholas. He knew Nicholas as he had seen him in the country before and knew that this man was a friend of Tessa. However, what puzzled him was the reason for this man to be here. Is he waiting for Tessa?
Wait a minute. Scott looked at Nicholas dubiously. Is this Mr. Sawyer the boyfriend that Tessa talked about just now?
Hathaway and Kathleen, who were standing next to him, were also surprised by the man who appeared in front of them. A pair of black trousers enveloped the man’s straight and slender legs as they watched as he walked toward them gracefully. Under the light, his facial features seemed to be carefully carved by the hand of God, and they were perfect without any flaws. At the same time, his whole body exuded the aura of someone of high status, making them feel pressured.
“Hello, I’m Tessa’s boyfriend. May I know where is she?” A cold voice came from Nicholas. As he knew Hathaway, his dark eyes stared at her intently.
Meanwhile, Hathaway and Kathleen, as well as Scott, were stunned by what he had just said. They hadn’t expected Tessa’s boyfriend to be so perfect and handsome. It was clear from a glance that this man was not an ordinary person.
Nicholas returned their stunned gazes, his frown deepening.
Fortunately, Hathaway quickly recovered and answered, “Tessa came down a long time ago. Why? Didn’t you see her?”
Nicholas’ expression slightly sank. “I’ve been waiting at the door, but I didn’t see her coming out.”
“Perhaps she’s being held up by some matters?” Scott looked at Nicholas in trepidation.
Glancing at him, Nicholas said coldly, “If something cropped up, Tessa would tell me in advance.”
Scott was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say, but there was also worry on his face.
On the other hand, Kathleen felt extremely unpleasant as she listened to the conversation between the two. Why do all the good men have a soft spot for Tessa? Thinking that, she couldn’t help but remark sourly, “Tessa isn’t a child. It’s not like she can get lost in the hotel.”
The moment her words fell, Nicholas and Scott looked at her in displeasure.
Hathaway, who had also gotten a little angry, scolded, “Kathleen, watch your words.”
“Mommy, why are you yelling at me? I’m not wrong.”
Kathleen pouted in hurt, but as soon as she spoke, she felt an unfriendly stare boring into her. When she looked up subconsciously and met Nicholas’ sharp gaze, she was shocked and hid behind Hathaway in fear.
At that moment, Hathaway didn’t look pleased either. However, it wasn’t because of Nicholas, but because of Kathleen. This child really got spoiled by her daddy!
In an instant, the atmosphere became stiff. Just then, Scott stood up and suggested as a peacemaker, “If you aren’t at ease, Sir, why don’t we go in and look for Miss Reinhart?”
Nicholas did not refuse. For some reason, the anxiety in his heart was getting heavier and heavier, and he vaguely had a bad feeling. With a sullen face, he strode into the hotel. After glancing at each other, Scott and Hathaway followed behind him, intending to help him look for Tessa.


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