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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 431

Chapter 431
“Stay away from me!” While warning the kidnappers in front of her, Tessa trembled and retreated backward, scanning the surroundings from the corner of her eyes in an attempt to find a way to save herself.
Unfortunately, there was nothing around her that could be used as a weapon to defend herself, and the only door was behind the kidnappers. As she watched them getting closer and closer, a fierce glint flashed in her eyes, and she suddenly kicked one of the kidnappers hard in the crotch.
“Ahh!” Screams resounded throughout the warehouse, mixed with angry roars. “That b*tch, catch her!”
Tessa didn’t dare to look back at all and ran toward the exit with all her strength. However, just as she was about to push the door of the workshop, she suddenly raised her head and yelled out with a painful expression. It turned out one of the kidnappers had caught up to her and grabbed her hair, furiously yanking it backward.
“B*tch, how dare you try to run?” The kidnapper stared at Tessa viciously as he immediately dragged her back. If they let this woman escape, their master would definitely punish them severely!
Tessa staggered from the kidnapper’s dragging. Tears welled up in her eyes as her gaze filled with fear and despair. “Let me go! I said let me go!”
She hit the kidnapper behind her with both hands, trying to break free from him. Alas, her punches were just like ant bites to him, and it had no effect at all. In the end, she was captured and thrown back to her original place. Immediately, the kidnapper who had just been kicked by her pounced over and started tearing her clothes away.
Tessa’s face turned as pale as a ghost from fright as she screamed desperately, “Get lost, don’t touch me!”
She struggled with all her might, but nothing seemed to work. With a tearing sound, her coat was torn apart, revealing a camisole and her pale skin. The kidnappers’ eyes nearly fell out of their sockets at the sight. As Tessa looked at their hungry gazes, she hastily pulled her clothes back in place with trembling hands, her face full of horror.

At the same time, Austin handled the issue swiftly. Using a tracking app, he hacked into the road traffic system and found which direction the vehicle that kidnapped Tessa was headed. After investigating the topography, he quickly inferred the location where the kidnappers would appear.
“Boss, I am 90% sure that Miss Tessa was brought here by them.” Austin pointed at the location he had determined to Nicholas.
After glancing at it coldly, Nicholas ordered, “Prepare the cars!”
Under the pitch black sky, several black cars quickly sped through the roads on the outskirts. What was originally a half-hour drive was shortened to ten minutes by them. Soon, they arrived at the door of the warehouse, and their ears were filled with desperate screams coming from inside.
Nicholas led his men into the warehouse with a dark expression. When he saw the situation inside clearly, his blood boiled, and he could hardly restrain his violent urges. In the blink of an eye, he stepped forward with a terrifying aura emanating all over his body, violently knocking over the kidnappers who surrounded Tessa in a few punches.
Everything happened in a flash, and neither the kidnappers nor Tessa managed to react in time. At this moment, Tessa was in a disheveled state. Her clothes were torn in several places, but she had kept protecting herself and did not let the kidnappers lay their hands on her. She was taken aback for a moment before she saw Nicholas, whose arrival was like an angel descending from heaven, and almost collapsed.
“Nicholas, you’re finally here.” Her choked and reliant voice felt like nails drilling into Nicholas’ heart, making it so painful that he could barely breathe.
On the other hand, the kidnappers who had been kicked away by Nicholas finally regained their senses, and they all stood up from the ground while cursing and swearing.
“F*ck, where did you come from? You dare to ruin our fun?” The kidnappers didn’t even notice Austin and the others at the door as they glared intently at him.
Nicholas turned his head to look at the three of them, as if he were looking at a dead person, and said in a cold voice, “Austin.”


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