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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 448

“Great-Grandpa, don’t be angry. The doctor said earlier that you’ll get sick if you’re angry, and then you’ll have to get an injection and eat bitter medicine. I’ll feel sorry for you, Great-Grandpa.” He grabbed Remus’ wrinkled and old hand and persuaded him with an adorable voice. Remus was extremely relieved, and a loving smile gradually appeared on his face. “I’m not angry, Greg, don’t worry.” Saying that, he glanced at Nicholas again, his weak voice full of disgust as he chided, “Look at Greg, then look at yourself. Even a child is more well-behaved than you.” Nicholas glanced sideways at Gregory, the corners of his lips curling slightly. There was a trace of pride in his voice when he replied, “Well, he’s my son.” Remus was rendered speechless. Just as he glared at him and was about to say something, Nicholas interrupted, “Alright now, I didn’t come back this time to argue with you. I’ll take charge of the company again, so you can focus on recovering with peace of mind.” Remus’ dissatisfied expression subsided a little as soon as he heard that.
After Nicholas and Remus stopped butting heads, the atmosphere in the ward turned lighter, and Remus was able to chat with his grandson again. During their conversation, Nicholas asked Remus if he had realized anything when he fell sick. After a moment of thought, Remus shook his head. “There were no symptoms. I just suddenly felt my chest tightening.” Nicholas’ brows furrowed. Remus glanced at him and suddenly lamented, “Sigh. I wonder how much time I have left…” “I’ve already asked a famous medical team from abroad to fly over for your treatment. They’ll definitely nurse your health back to tip-top shape.” Without waiting for Remus to finish speaking, Nicholas interrupted him.
He knew very well that if he didn’t cut him off, his grandfather would definitely try to force him to marry again. Naturally, Remus knew that Nicholas had interrupted him on purpose, and he shot him an unhappy glare, which the latter took no notice of. Seeing this, Remus couldn’t do anything about it either, so he ignored him and turned his attention to Gregory. “Greg, did you have a good time abroad with your daddy recently? Did anyone make you feel unhappy there?” “It was fun! I had a great time there!” Gregory replied jubilantly, before telling Remus about the interesting things he had seen abroad. His childish stories put a smile on Remus’ face. When Hayley arrived, she heard the cheerful laughter coming from the ward. She stood by the entrance, and through the glass on the door, she saw Gregory excitedly talking to Remus.
Then, she plastered a small smile on her face and knocked on the door before entering. “Old Master Sawyer, I heard that you woke up, so I came to see you,” she called out to Remus obediently, then greeted Nicholas and Gregory. When they saw her, the expressions on Nicholas and Gregory’s faces faded at once. Even so, they still responded to her politely. “Miss Stone.” “Miss Hayley.” When Hayley saw the identical indifferent expressions on their faces, her chest ached, and she almost couldn’t even maintain her smile. She took a deep breath, suppressed her inner indignation, and forced a smile on her face as she exchanged a few pleasantries with them before she shifted her focus to Remus. Since Nicholas and Gregory did not like her, no matter how much she buttered up to them, it would be useless. Hence, it was better for her to befriend Remus. As long as she got into Remus’ good books, she could still get a chance to marry Nicholas. Of course, it was just as she had planned. After she stayed by Remus’ side for half a day, his affection for her improved greatly. Remus looked between Hayley and Nicholas. The more he looked at them, the more he felt that they were a good match, and that it would be a pity if they missed out on each other. In the end, he couldn’t help but bring the issue up again. “Nicholas, Hayley is truly a good girl that’s hard to find nowadays. I think that you both can…” Without waiting for Remus to finish his sentence, Nicholas interrupted coldly, “Grandpa, you should prioritize taking care of yourself now. Don’t worry about anything else.”


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