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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 490

Chapter 490 

Tessa nodded when she heard Hathaway’s instruction. Then, she got up and went to inform the other members.

After a few minutes, everyone gathered backstage.

Hathaway looked around as she stood in the center and announced, “There are two things that I would like to inform everyone about for today’s meeting.”

After she spoke, she paused before continuing “Due to personal reasons, Kathleen will be absent from the performance this time.”

“What? Kathleen can’t participate in the performance?”

“Without Kathleen, what will happen to the position of the concertmaster?”

“Is the performance going to be canceled?”

At once, the crowd was in an uproar. Soon, it became a subject widely discussed by everyone in the orchestra.

Likewise, Tessa also frowned. However, she did not express any opinion.

Hathaway had already expected she would witness such a boisterous scene when she decided to make the announcement earlier.

She clapped her hands and motioned everyone to quiet down. Then, she reassured everyone. “Don’t worry. I will not cancel the performance.”

“If the performance is not canceled, who will take over Kathleen’s position?” asked an orchestra member.

Hathaway said solemnly after she glanced at that person, “This is exactly what I’ll be going to announce next.”

When everyone heard this, they instantly quieted down.

Hathaway scanned through the crowd when everyone went silent in anticipation. Finally, her gaze landed on Tessa. “I have decided. Tessa will replace Kathleen and perform as a concertmaster.”

I made this decision after careful consideration. In another way, it can also be

regarded as my compensation for Tessa.

After a moment of surprise, everyone started applauding and congratulating Tessa.

“Congratulations, Tessa!”

They had no problem accepting Hathaway’s decision. On the contrary, they even felt that Hathaway was very judicious and deserved to be regarded as a maestro-level violinist.

Meanwhile, Tessa stayed frozen on the spot with a disbelieving look on her face. She did not expect that Hathaway would let her replace Kathleen and perform on stage.

Hathaway smiled when she noticed Tessa’s stupefied look. “What’s wrong? Did you think I would favor my own daughter?”

Tessa was rendered speechless. As a matter of fact, she did have such thoughts in her heart.


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