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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 496

Chapter 496

Tobias felt the need to question Stefania when he saw her coming home at such a late hour.

"Where did you go? Why are you home so late?"

"Tessa had a performance at Silverscapc Theater today, so I went to watch her," Stefania explained. Then, she placed her handbag on the coffee table before sitting beside Tobias. He gazed at his wife puzzledly. "Did you go there to meet her?" he asked.

"No. I just went over to watch her performance. But, unfortunately, Nicholas was around, so I couldn't find the chance to talk to her," she said in a rather conflicted tone.

"What do you think of her after seeing her performance?" Tobias asked curiously.

"Are you asking for my opinion?" Stefania thought about it for a while before answering him. "To be honest, I realized how Tessa might not be as horrible as I thought her to be in the past. That was my conclusion after watching the performance," she concluded.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked. He was visibly interested in this topic. He had never been fond of Tessa in the past, yet his son insisted on being with her, so he decided that he would simply step out of this matter.

Stefania wasn’t aware of Tobias's decision, so she simply told him about her observations at Silverscape Theater that day. "Tessa turns into a whole new confident woman when she's on stage—you have to witness it for yourself in order to understand what 1 mean. She's like a completely different person! She's nothing like the other plain, rich girls we used to introduce to Nicholas. While 1 was on the way back, 1 reflected on my past actions. I was wondering... Was it a mistake to stop them from being together?"

Tobias tried his best to provide an impartial opinion as he gazed at the contemplative look on his wife's face. "I had previously guessed that Tessa has a different side to her since Nicholas seems to be so madly in love with her. Anyway, Nicholas is a well-educated young man—we should have more trust in his taste."

Although Stefania could agree with her husband's logic, she still felt rather suspicious of the whole situation. "I won't deny that Tessa outshines everyone else when she's on stage. However, her family background is simply too terrible." Tobias could tell that his wife was someone who cared about reputation and status, but he personally felt like this wasn't a huge issue.

"I think that her family background isn't a primary concern we should have. What matters the most is that Nicholas likes her. Dad is clearly biased against Tessa, but we know our son best—we know that he's not going to change his mind after deciding on something," Tobias said as he tried to convince Stefania not to be involved in this matter. "Look at how tense things are between Dad and Nicholas right now. You don't want to end up in that position, do you?"

Stefania shook her head when she thought about the hostile relationship between Remus and Nicholas. She didn't want her relationship with her son to end up like that as well.


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