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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 508

Chapter 508

Gregory lifted his small head and said with a smile, "As long as you cook it, I won't be picky."

Tessa was overjoyed to hear this but couldn't help teasing, "Well, why don't we eat carrots, green bell peppers, and celery with fried pork tonight."

Gregory's frown deepened with every vegetable name that fell off her lips.

After a while, the little boy's delicate brows were furrowed into knots.

When she saw this, she couldn’t help laughing.

He knew that she was just teasing him the moment he heard her laughter.

"Miss Tessa!"

He stomped his feet in a huff, but he couldn't bear to say a single bad word about her, so he could only sulk in silence.

When she saw that he was in a snit, she quickly soothed him.

After a long while, she finally coaxed the little boy into showing her a smile again.

The two picked one item after another and ended up choosing quite a few things before pushing the shopping cart to checkout.

After Nicholas returned to Dynasty Gardens, he found that Tessa and Gregory weren't there, so he asked Andrew, "Where are Tessa and


"Miss Reinhart and Young Master Gregory haven't returned," Andrew answered truthfully.

Nicholas frowned slightly as he took out his phone to contact her.

The call was instantly connected, but it was Gregory who answered the phone.


"Where's Miss Tessa?"

"She's cooking in the kitchen. Mr. Timothy and

I are playing in the living room. By the way, Daddy, Mr. Timothy said that we're not going back tonight."

When Nicholas heard this, his face turned a little gloomy.

At this moment, he had figured out that Timothy was deliberately sabotaging him.

He gritted his teeth and restrained the sudden urge to punch a certain someone in the face as he said, "Don’t listen to Mr. Timothy. Whatever he says doesn't count."

To his surprise, Timothy's voice sounded from the phone.

"Nicholas, I don't like what you’re saying. What do you mean what I say doesn't count? You've occupied my sister for so many days. Shouldn't you be giving her back to me already?"


Nicholas was so angered that he let out a sardonic snort.

When Timothy heard Nicholas' resigned tone, he proudly continued, "Ah, Nicholas, my sister's calling me to help, so I have to leave to go. I hope you have a pleasant meal tonight."

With that, he immediately hung up the phone.

Nicholas couldn't help but feel amused as he stared at his phone, although he was still rather peeved.

Finally, he put his phone away and strode out.

Andrew hurriedly chased after him when he saw Nicholas leaving and asked, "Master

Nicholas, what about dinner?"

"I won't be having it. Oh, and I won't be back tonight."

After he said that, he went straight to the garage without even looking back.

An exquisite black Bentley drove out of

Dynasty Gardens in less than a moment and headed straight for Tessa's apartment.

In the apartment, Gregory heard someone knocking on the door, so he happily went to open it.


Timothy wasn’t surprised to hear Gregory's excited voice.

He looked toward the entrance and saw

Nicholas walking in with Gregory in his arms, and he couldn’t help rolling his eyes. "Wow, talk about fast."


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