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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 533

Chapter 533

"You didn't plan some sort of surprise for me, did you?" she asked playfully while grinning at the man opposite her. Nicholas quickly knew what she was thinking, and he laughed before responding to her. 'There's no surprise this time. I just wanted to have a dinner date with you.”

"Is that so?" She clearly didn't believe what he was saying. Nicholas simply smiled without commenting any further. Right then, the restaurant waiters served their meals, all of which were Tessa's favorite dishes. Nicholas urged her to taste the dishes. He thoughtfully picked out the bones from her fish and peeled her prawns. There was no surprise during their meal.

After they were done with dinner, Nicholas led her out of the restaurant. However, Tessa quickly realized that they weren't heading back in the direction of Dynasty Gardens. "Aren't we going home?" she turned to look at the man who seemed focused on driving.

The man's gorgeous features seemed especially perfect under the dim, yellow street lights—she fell her heart fluttering at the sight of him. She wouldn't seem to get bored of the man's looks even though she saw him every day. Nicholas quickly realized how she was staring at him, and he curled his lips into a smile before speaking. "We're not going home tonight. I'm bringing you to another place."

His words evoked her sense of curiosity. "Where are we going?" she asked.

"You'll find out later," he replied. "Didn't you say that there wasn't going to be a surprise? You’re acting all mysterious now." She gazed at him amusedly, but she was clearly pleased on the inside. Nicholas raised an eyebrow before speaking up for himself. "Well, you were asking me if there was a surprise during dinner, and it was true that there wasn't any surprise then. So, I wasn't lying to you."

"Excuses!" she scoffed. However, the smile on her face gave it all away—she was obviously pleased that there was a surprise. About ten minutes later, the black car slopped at a villa by the mountains. Nicholas slipped his hand into Tessa's and walked over while explaining himself. "This is one of the properties I bought in the past. Most of the lime, the maids are the only ones who drop by to clean the place." Both of them walked into the living room as they spoke.

The hall, which had been dark to begin with, seemed to have noticed their presence, for it turned bright as day once they entered the room. The villa's design was just like its owner's personality—minimalistic.

Nicholas didn't stop in the hall—he led Tessa to the elevator that brought them up to the highest floor.

When she walked out of the elevator, she was shocked by the view before her eyes. He had turned the top floor into some sort of glass house and filled it with all kinds of expensive plants. The whole place looked like a paradise under the surrounding lighting. The air around them was filled with the scent of flora, and there was even an observatory in the middle of the garden. An expensive-looking telescope was placed on the platform, where they could look into it to see the night skies and observe the stars.

Nicholas wrapped his arms around her when he saw the dumbfounded look on her face. "Do you like this place?" he asked as he lowered his head to gaze at her.

"I do," she said with a nod. "This place is gorgeous."

Nicholas edged closer to the girl's ear when he saw the happy look on her face. "I bought a star and named it after you," he said. His deep, magnetic voice made her ears tingle, but she was more surprised by what he had just said. "Did you just say that you bought a star?!" she stared at him with a look of shock on her face.

He nodded before leading her to the telescope. "Do you want to take a look at it?" he asked.


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