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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 535

Chapter 535

Tessa wrapped her arm around Nicholas's neck before gently pressing her other hand against his cheek. Her gentle touch and her unique, pleasant scent mesmerized him. To begin with, Nicholas, who couldn't resist her touch, felt like he was on fire when she did this to him. He held onto her hand before lowering his head and spoke in a low tone. "I can't promise I won't take action if you continue acting like that," he warned.

Of course, Tessa understood what the man wanted when she heard his strained voice. "You can do whatever you want tonight. You can do anything you want to me." She gave him a seductive gaze as she ran her hands all over him. She was like a goddess that could catch anyone's eye. Nicholas couldn't stand the way she was running her fingers through his hair, and it caused the muscles in his throat to tighten. His grip around her arms was unyielding—it was almost as if he was trying to sink his skin into hers.

"Don't go against your word later!" he declared before grabbing onto the back of Tessa's hair in one swift motion. Then, he lowered his head to press his lips against hers. Their limbs were all tangled up as they kissed one another passionately, and neither parly could seem to stop. The temperature in the garden felt like it was increasing. Even the moon had shyly hidden behind the clouds due to their passionate embrace.

Tessa didn't know how much time had passed when she felt like she was running out of breath. Nicholas finally let go of her then. She felt as if all the air had been sucked out of her body, and she rested her body limply against Nicholas' chest. Her lips were slightly parted as she was panting due to exertion. There was a hint of redness in her fair cheeks, and her gaze was captivating and dazed at the same time.

When Nicholas saw the girl, he felt as if she had awakened something within him. However, his expression was one of restraint as he carried Tessa over to the elevator.

She clung to his neck as she fixed her dark brown eyes on him, and her gaze was filled with love and adoration for this man. Soon enough, they got to the bedroom, and he lowered her onto the bed before laying himself down as well.

Even though Tessa had a tiring night the day before, she was still willing to satisfy the man's needs that night. After a whole night's worth of action, Tessa had lost her voice, and she could barely open her eyes. All she wanted to do then was to lie in his embrace. It didn't take her long for her to fall asleep. When he saw her sleeping form, Nicholas snuggled up against her with a complacent look on his face.

The next morning, Tessa woke up to feel her entire body aching from the night before. However, it was nothing compared to the heartache she felt. Finally, it was time for her to leave the country. She had breakfast with Nicholas and had to rush off to the airport after that. When they arrived, she saw that Timothy and Gregory had come over to send her off at the airport.

"Why don't you stay here, Miss Tessa? I don't want to be away from you." Gregory wailed and bawled for a long while, and he flung his whole body onto Tessa and refused to let go of her. She could practically hear the sound of her heart breaking when she listened to the young boy’s sobs. She knelt down and gave Gregory a tight hug to comfort him, but his tiny body continued to twitch and tremble along with his tearful cries.

"Be a good boy, Gregory. I’ll miss you too, but I have to chase after my dreams for now," she murmured softly.

"Can't you chase after your dreams here?" Gregory asked sorrowfully as he stared at a blurry version of her as all the tears in his eyes clouded his vision. Tessa wiped the tears off the young boy's face as she tried her best to keep her eyes dry. "Stop crying, okay? You can get Daddy to bring you over to visit me when you miss me, okay?"

"Not okay! I don't want you to go," Gregory pouted and continued crying before clinging onto her hand. Tessa had no choice but to continue coaxing the young boy. It took a while for him to stop crying. He finally realized that he couldn't change anything about the fact that Tessa was leaving. So, he brushed his tears off his cheeks before speaking between hiccups. "You have to take care of yourself, Miss Tessa." He leaned in and gave her a kiss on her cheek after speaking.


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