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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 549

Chapter 549
That b*tch. It’s all because of that b*tch… Hayley repeatedly cursed Tessa in her mind. How can that b*tch be a good fit for Nicholas? She’s no match for me at all! If I can’t get the guy, then I won’t let her get him either!
Hayley put on a regretful look at breakfast in the Stone Family the next day. “I thought about what you said last night, and I think that you’re right. If I don’t let go of this, our family might really turn into the second Gingham Family. So, I’ve decided to let go of this matter.”
“Have you truly come to terms with that?” Nero and Sonia eyed Hayley with looks of surprise on their faces. They had been thinking about how to change Hayley’s mind-they hadn’t expected her to think it through on her own. “Yeah,” Hayley muttered with a nod. She had no idea what was going on in her parents’ minds.
When they saw the serious expression on their daughter’s face, they figured that she wasn’t lying to them. So, they heaved a sigh of relief while grinning at their daughter. “That’s great. That’s great!” They uttered together.
Hayley’s eyes glinted for a moment as she lowered her gaze. Then, after a while, she took the opportunity to speak her mind. “Mom, Dad, even though I’ve come to terms with it, I still feel really sad. So, I’ve decided to go overseas on a trip.”
“Do you want to go on a trip? That’s fine. Where would you like to go? I’ll get the secretary to book tickets for you.” Both Hayley’s parents were supportive of this idea. Sonia even suggested a few lovely places that her daughter could visit.
“I guess New Zealand sounds good.” Hayley randomly picked a place-she couldn’t let others know where she was going, anyway. So, she left Xerthania that night itself.
On the other side of the globe, Tessa spent all of her time practicing in the orchestra and performing at the restaurant. A good number of customers gave her tips throughout her time there, and she managed to collect quite a fortune from their generosity. Of course, Mona was highly envious when she saw Tessa’s earnings, but Tessa also remembered to show her appreciation by buying her all sorts of good food.
Soon enough, Tessa became the most popular performer in the restaurant. Some of the guests had even visited the restaurant just to see her. For this reason, Wilbur often celebrated the excellent choice that he had made to hire Tessa as his performer.
One night, Tessa hurried to the back door of the restaurant while carrying her violin case on her back. “I’m sorry. My practice ended late today, so I’m a little late.” She was panting as she gave him a sincere apology. She was the one who had failed to arrive at the agreed time, after all.
Wilbur knew how stressful their practice could be, so he simply responded with a casual smile. “It’s fine. I’ve already arranged for your performance to be at the last one.” However, now that more guests were coming over to watch Tessa, business was improving for the shop. That was why Wilbur had to make some changes.
Tessa didn’t know about Wilbur’s plans, but she was pleased to hear that she was the last
performer, It told her that Wilbur recognized her skills. That night, when it was her turn to perform, she felt like her performance was one of her best ones yet, perhaps because she was in a good mood.
The song, ‘Por Una Cabeza’, got the customers mesmerized by its beautiful melody, and the whole room erupted into applause, Tessa beamed and bowed before she turned to leave the stage. However, she had only taken a few steps when she heard a familiar and deep voice coming from behind her. “Miss Reinhart.”
“Mr. Angus.“ Tessa was somewhat surprised to see the man behind her. Angus was dressed in a formal suit, and his long, wavy hair fell on his shoulders. His gentle features seemed like God had carved them, giving him an elegant and exquisite look, and he looked like someone who walked out of an animated film.
“I heard my friends say that a really impressive violinist is performing at this restaurant, but I hadn’t expected it to be you, Miss Reinhart. It seems like I can’t tip you now.” Angus curled his lips into a faint smile as he stared at Tessa. His slightly upturned eyes twinkled as he gazed at her.
Tessa’s eyes landed on the cash in the man’s hand when she heard his words. “Thank you for your generosity, but I don’t think I’ll take your tip, Mr. Angus,” she replied with a smile.


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