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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 558

Chapter 558

"I wouldn't want to have a meal with you during this period. I am afraid of being misunderstood—others might say that I bribed the judge." Tessa declined his offer. Scott's eyes dimmed for a moment. "Well, it's okay, then."

Tessa didn't hear the change in his tone. Instead, she smiled as she made another suggestion. "I can invite you out for dinner after the competition ends." Scott was taken aback for a moment, and the dim look in his eyes lit up again. "I’ll wait for your good news, then," he said, smiling.

After she left the orchestra, she went directly back to the villa. It was rare for her to return home this early. So, after she washed up, she took the initiative to video call Nicholas. Soon enough, Nicholas's handsome and charming facial features appeared on the screen.

"What are you up to?" Tessa gazed at him affectionately as if she intended to make up for the lack of love that she had given him in the past two days.

Nicholas returned the affectionate gaze. "I just arrived at the company," he remarked. Tessa nodded as she held her mobile phone and turned to find a comfortable posture. Then, in a soft voice, she told him that the competition rules had been released by the orchestra that day. "Everyone in the orchestra seems really stressed out now."

"What about you? Do you feel stressed?" Nicholas look this opportunity to question her.

Tessa responded honestly. "It's a little stressful. The judges that Miss Hathaway invited this time are well- renowned musicians in the industry, but I believe I will win in the end."

The corners of his lips tugged into a genuine smile when he saw confidence blooming in the girl’s eyes. Then, he nodded slightly before speaking in a soothing tone. "There will always be hurdles in life. Going abroad is your first step toward your dreams, and this upcoming competition is your second step. I'm sure everyone recognizes the effort you've put into this, and I'm sure you will succeed in the end."

Tessa felt like the tension in her heart seemed to have dissipated after hearing the man's words. Then, just before she could say anything, Nicholas suddenly changed his tone. "But I am very dissatisfied with one thing now," he stated.

"What's the matter?" Tessa felt her heart rate increase when she looked at the man's serious expression. I didn't do anything to make him angry, did I?

Nicholas looked deeply into Tessa's eyes while speaking in a tender and concerned tone. "You're getting skinny."

Tessa was startled for a moment before feeling a gush of sweetness pouring out of her heart. "I’m fine." She coaxed him gently. However, he vehemently disagreed, "You don't look like you're fine. Although I support your dreams, you shouldn't make me worry about you, okay?""

"Okay, I promise I'll take good care of myself!" Tessa promised him wholeheartedly.


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