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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 568

Chapter 568 

Angus did not elaborate much.

Upon seeing this, Tessa did not inquire any further and beckoned him to have a seat.

Angus helped himself and directly sat down. Then, he chatted with her. “I heard from my uncle that you’re going to perform on stage tonight.”

“Yes, I did request him to save me a performance slot tonight. I feel like trying out my capability after days of practice.” Tessa nodded and admitted.

Upon hearing that, Angus looked at her with a faint smile and encouraged her by saying, “I believe you can do it. Good luck!”


After that, the two talked for a while before Louis came over.

When he saw Angus, who was sitting across from Tessa, his hazel eyes flashed.

At once, he said to Tessa, “I have made the arrangement for you. You’ll be the first to perform later.”

“F-First?” Tessa was surprised.

Upon seeing Tessa’s reaction, Louis teased her, “Since you kept me guessing a while ago, I really want to see how much you have improved.”

Tessa went speechless, and she did not know whether to laugh or cry. Even so, she had faith in herself. “Don’t worry. I definitely won’t let you down.”

pite saying so, she still felt a little nervous when she was about to perform on stage,



In order to ease herself up, she clenched her hands into fists and released them again. Then, she comforted herself by muttering, “It’s alright. Just treat this as an ordinary performance.”

Besides, wouldn’t it mean I didn’t learn anything during this while if I’m feeling nervous now?

Uncertain if her self-soothing worked, Tessa did return to her calm composure after a few minutes.

As soon as the time came, she took her violin case and went up to the stage.

The moment she appeared on the stage, the silver-white stage lights fell on her.

Upon seeing an unknown beauty appear on stage, the audience under the stage started whispering

“This girl looks like a stranger to me. Does anyone know her?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Let’s see what she’s capable of first. I’m sure she must possess a certain forte to be allowed to perform on stage.”

Listening to the whispered discussions under the stage, Tessa took a deep breath. Then she closed her eyes and placed the violin on her neck.

Similarly, the audience also held their breath.


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