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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 570

Chapter 570 

In truth, Nicholas saw her performance.

The bodyguard who was in charge of protecting her made a live broadcast when Tessa was performing on stage.

When he thought of Tessa, who stood on stage at that time, Nicholas simply felt that she was more dazzling than ever before.

As for Tessa, she was not aware of any of these. Still, Nicholas’ words comforted her.

Yeah, I still have many more performances in the future.

Thinking of this, she was no longer upset. Then, she chatted with Nicholas.

In the end, Nicholas looked at Tessa dotingly and exhorted, “Go back and have a good rest. You must pass the assessment tomorrow.”

“I will definitely pass the assessment!” Tessa nodded confidently. Later, she hung up the phone.

Back at the manor, Kylie suddenly came over mysteriously. “Miss Tessa, Master Nicholas has prepared a surprise for you. It’s in the room.”

Tessa was startled and went upstairs, feeling puzzled.

Making her way toward the bedroom, Tessa opened the door gently and saw that the lights in the room were dimly lit. Then, she saw a bouquet of 999 huge roses placed on the big bed, and the air in the room was filled with a faint floral fragrance,

On the bouquet, she saw the words ‘I wish you success’ written on the pink roses. Upon seeing that, Tessa covered her mouth, feeling surprised and happy.

After that, she walked over and stroked the rose petals lovingly. She was so moved to the point that she felt her eyes tearing up.

After a while, she took out her phone and took a photo of herself and the bouquet of roses. Then, she edited the message and sent it to Nicholas.

‘The flowers are beautiful. With your blessings, I feel that my success rate will be higher tomorrow

In the meantime, Nicholas’ cold facial expression instantly softened when he received the message in Sawyer Group’s President’s office.

Caressing the picture on the screen, he only felt that the person in the picture was prettier than the flowers.

As Edward stood beside him, he looked at the unbelievably gentle Nicholas. Without thinking twice, he knew it must be a message sent by Tessa.

At that moment, he could not help but sigh in his heart. Ever since President Sawyer fell in love, he has become more and more humane.

Thinking of the past workaholic Nicholas, who was like an emotionless robot, Edward thought, As expected, love can change a person the most!

Just as he was imagining things, a low and pleasant voice sounded in his ears.

“Have you booked the flight to Vienna tomorrow?”


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