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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 104

Chapter 104 

As Margaret had no appetite, she turned to head upstairs. The sound of plates breaking rang from behind. She stopped in her tracks and turned to see a mess on the floor when Christopher walked past her and went up the stairs. He then changed and left the house

Elizabeth, who heard the commotion, ran out of the kitchen and uttered, Mrs. Lewis...” 

Flashing her a smile, Margaret assured, Its all right, Elizabeth. I made him angry. Have someone to help clean up the mess.” 

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Jodie sat on the cold floor. The doctors who walked past her merely stole glances at her, sighed, and continued on their way

The door to the operating room was still open behind her. Rainas sorrowful wails rang out inside, piercing Jodies heart

Zachary died during the surgery. At first, Jodie thought she could finally relax after the surgery fees were paid. As long as Zachary was alive, she believed things would take a turn for the better. However, she did not expect more bad news to come, not even giving her a chance to catch her breath

After a while, Raina came out with reddened eyes. Jo, you should go in and say your last goodbye.” 

Still in a daze, Jodie shook her head. I dont want to. Mom, Ill arrange the funeral tomorrow. You should head back and get some rest.” 

Raina stood motionlessly as her sobs grew louder. Her skinny body swayed from left to right, as if she would collapse at any second

The thought of having to return to that eerie and terrifying rental house gave her the chills.After all, she used to be a rich lady in a wealthy family. Never had she been this miserable

After a moment of impasse, Jodie rose to her feet and said, Mom, let me send you home.” 

Grabbing her daughters hands, Raina said, Its okay, Jo. I know its been hard for you lately. I havent been able to help much, and I know Ive been a burden. Please handle the remaining issues. I can go back myself.” 

Like an emotionless puppet, Jodie nodded without a word

After taking one last look at the operating room, Raina left with tearsrolling down her cheeks. Her affluent days were now gone for good. She had no choice but to face the reality of living in a messy rental house in the future

Jodie did not shed a single tear at all. It was not that she was not upset, but it was as if her soul had left her body. She felt so numb and weak that she had no energy to even cry

Holding the death certificate in her hands, she exited the hospital and saw the rain pouring down heavily. A bitter smile stretched across her pale face as she watched the pedestrians rushing to take shelter

Lost in her thoughts, she walked into the rain. The huge raindrops pattered on her body, but she did not feel pain. Instead, the coldness penetrated her bones

Suddenly, someone yanked her to the side, where there was an awning to block her from the rain. Are you crazy? What are you doing standing in the rain?” 

She turned around to see Steven before she said emotionlessly, My dad died during the surgery. Why are we so unfortunate?” 

Furrowing his brows, Steven asked, When did it happen?” 

Jodie did not respond. She extended her arms to catch the raindrops, hoping the coldness could snap her out of her trance


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