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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Hannah stood up and flashed him an elegant smile. All right. Thank you.”

Although Christopher headed upstairs without a word, one could tell how annoyed he was at Margaret through his heavy footsteps.

Now that Christopher had left, Margaret could finally have her meal at ease. Megan, on the other hand, showed her disdain toward Margaret. “Looks like Christopher merely gave you a place to stay. He didn’t pamper you like a princess. Anybody can tell how undignified you are by the way you stuff food down your throat like a starving dog. No wonder Christopher dislikes you and gets annoyed whenever he sees you. Someone like you is not worthy of him.”

Hannah scolded in a low voice, “Shut up! I’ve warned you multiple times earlier, don’t…”

Before Hannah could finish her sentence, Margaret interrupted with a half-smile, “That’s why you’re able to stay beside him, isn’t that right, Megan? If I, as his lawful wife, am flawless, a mistress like you won’t have any chance to exist.”

After being reproached by Hannah and mocked by Margaret, Megan was so furious that she stomped upstairs to find Christopher in the study.

Now that only Hannah and Margaret remained in the dining room, Hannah stared intently at Margaret with affection in her eyes. Unable to bear it or face it, Margaret put down her cutlery in disgust and said, “Mrs. Jenkins, please help yourself.”

“Meg… The way Margaret addressed Hannah pierced the latter’s heart.

Nevertheless, Margaret ignored Hannah, as she was so tired of the latter’s insincere affection. I dont need a belated motherly love. If her love can only be used to make up for the mistakes she made, Im better off without it

It was over three in the afternoon when Megan and Hannah were finally getting ready to leave.

While listening to the noise outside, Margaret felt restless for some reason. All of a sudden, Hannah’s voice rang out. “I’ll go and bid goodbye to Margaret. I think she’s unwell, as she looked pale just now.”

Margaret frowned and held her breath subconsciously. As expected, someone knocked on her door in the next second, She turned with her back facing the door,



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