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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 112

Chapter 112 

Margaret swallowed her saliva involuntarily. When she was young, she loved eating seafood. It had been a long time since she had them. Now that she was pregnant, she started craving them again

Christopher had not come down when she sat down in the dining room. She did not dare to start eating first and could only drool at the prawns before her. Elizabeth observed her impatience and dotingly peeled a large prawn for her. Try some. Mr. Lewis specially requested someone to purchase these yesterday. He must have thought that youll like them.” 

Margaret lowered her gaze and did not reply

How could Christopher have remembered what I like to eat? If he requested them yesterday, it must be because Hannah and Megan were coming today. They must have been specifically prepared for Megan. Unfortunately, they arrived late, and Megan did not stay for dinner. Im just picking up the leftovers

Such good quality prawns were not commonly found in Dellmoor during this season. Christopher must have gone through the extra effort of having them flown over

Christopher arrived in the dining room right after she put the prawn in her mouth, and half of it was still sticking out. She saw that he looked displeased and thought it was because she had started eating first without him. Just as she was deliberating whether she should take out the prawn from her mouth, he pushed the whole plate of prawns before her and uttered, You look disgraceful when you eat.” 

Margaret suddenly remembered that Christopher never liked prawns. It seemed that she was destined to have the plate of prawns before her all to herself

Although his tone was unkind, she decided to take up his offer. In no time, there was a pile of prawn shells before her

Christopher was shocked to see that she had almost finished the whole plate of palm sized prawns and did not seem to have any intention of stopping. She usually doesnt eat this much. Usually, she eats like a bird. Have I been mistreating her

He pushed the salmon toward her with a puzzled frown. She glanced at the plate and pushed it back to the center of the dining table. I cant eat raw food now...” 

Christopher narrowed his eyes and asked, Why?” 

A chill ran down Margarets spine as she realized that she might have said something wrong. She quickly explained, My stomach hasnt been feeling too well... You can have them...” 

He sat up straight and stared at the womans mouth that was chewing nonstop. Curious, he wanted to know how long she could keep going

In the next half an hour, Margaret finished the plate of prawns, a bowl of pasta, and some salad. Her appetite was exceptionally well today, and she did not feel any urge to vomit

She shuddered when she suddenly realized that Christopher had been staring at her. Hence, she slowed down and wondered why he kept watching her eat

As she could not think of any good reason for his odd behavior, she scooped some salad onto his plate. Have some too..!” 

Christopher still did not touch his fork. Ten minutes later, Margaret put down her utensils awkwardly under his watchful gaze. Ill go back upstairs to rest...” 

Christopher opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but he kept silent in the end


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