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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116 Not knowing what to say, Margaret decided to keep quiet.

There were two plates of grilled prawns for dinner. Elizabeth even intentionally placed the prawns in front of Margaret as she served all the dishes on the dining table. Then Margaret began her feast by peeling off the shells one by one while Christopher elegantly sipped some hot soup from a small bowl.

By the look of her, he could barely tell that she was suffering from gastritis since her appetite was remarkably good. In fact, he started to wonder if she had other sicknesses.

Sensing his intense gaze, Margaret summoned her courage and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Christopher shifted his gaze elsewhere, ignoring her question.

Since she did not get any response, she lowered her head and continued to peel the prawns. Shortly after, she finished off those two plates of prawns all by herself and concluded her dinner with a small bowl of soup. She did not touch the pasta at all.

When she was fully satisfied, only then did she realize that Christopher was still there. He had put down his cutlery a while ago and had been staring at her the whole time.

A strange feeling of uneasiness filled Margaret. She licked the corner of her lips and asked, “Did I eat too much?”

At that point, Christopher stood and strode upstairs, saying, “Glad you know that. Let the kitchen staff know whatever you want to eat. Don’t go around looking like I’ve been starving you.”

Margaret was stunned when she noticed the mountain of prawn shells piled before her. While she accepted the fact that she had consumed more than usual, she thought she could shovel down another half plate of prawns if there was more. Well, I know this appetite of mine can be a little crazy now that it is a few times bigger, but this is not something I can control.

She sauntered into the living room. When she saw that Christopher would not come out of his study anytime soon, she quickly grabbed a half glass of warm water and dashed into the room to swallow the folic acid tablets she had hidden. It had been scientifically proven that taking folic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy could

reduce the risks of neural tube defects.

“Elizabeth, get me a cup of black tea.” All of a sudden, Christopher’s voice came from the study


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