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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Christopher arrived home just as she finished bathing. She paused in her tracks for a moment before subconsciously walking over to help him retrieve his slippers from the cabinet.

“Spit it out if you have something to say,” Christopher ordered impassively as he stared down at her.

Straightening, Margaret stared into his cold eyes. This handsome man in a suit was her husband, but she had never dared to look him in the eyes before due to her guilt. However, she suddenly had the guts to do so today. “There’s nothing. Put down your things, and let’s eat dinner. Oh, and I am going out this weekend.”

She did not sound as if she was asking him for permission. Rather, it was as if she was making an offhand comment.

Noticing the difference in her tone of voice, Christopher furrowed his eyebrows. “Whatever,” he declared shortly before sitting down on the couch.

Elizabeth chimed in to diffuse the tension, “Dinner will be ready soon. You both must have had a tiring day. Why don’t you rest for a while?”

Margaret nodded and followed Elizabeth into the kitchen to make herself a cup of

lemon juice. Since she was already there, she decided to make Christopher a cup of black tea as well.

Smiling, Elizabeth remarked, “Meg, Mr. Lewis probably thinks you like to eat seafood, as he had someone buy a sea crab. The crab looks strange, but it’s huge, so it must have lots of meat. It also looks expensive. He was probably afraid that you would grow tired of eating prawns, so he bought a crab to let you have a change in taste. You both should not always have such dark expressions on your faces. Let bygones be bygones. Otherwise, it will be you two who suffer in the end.”

“I understand, Elizabeth. I won’t disturb you any longer,” replied Margaret, smiling back.

Then, she brought the drinks out and placed the tea on the table before Christopher. She opened her mouth to say something, but she realized there was nothing she wanted to say to him. After all, they had a ten-year gap in their ages.


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