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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Jodie replied, “My friend’s in the hospital, Aren’t you good friends with Christopher? Shouldn’t you know that his wife is in the hospital?”

In fact, Steven was clueless. “Did that just happen? I didn’t hear anything about it. I’ve got something to do tonight, so I won’t be visiting. Speaking of which, as your employer, I need to remind you of something. Your performance at work isn’t too great lately. It seems like you’re… rather tired every day. A young woman like you should have sufficient sleep at night. It’s not good to stay up until the wee hours.”

Jodie managed to resist the urge to retort and replied, “Thank you for your reminder. I’ll keep that in mind.”

He was not much older than her, but he just had to make himself sound as if he was a senior in life. That was what she could not stand.

After reaching the hospital, she sighed in relief. Holding tightly to the last shred of her rationality, Jodie bid Steven farewell.

Upon entering Margaret’s ward, Jodie was greeted with the sight of her friend’s frail look. Margaret looked exceptionally pale, and her red lips were almost as white as her face. “Meg, what happened?”

Margaret then supported herself to an upright position before squeezing out a smile. “Sit first. Let me catch my breath.”

Jodie helped Margaret up. After finding out about the entire incident, fury vibrated through Jodie’s being. “That b*tch Megan! She wants you dead! I can’t believe she did something like this. Karma should’ve gotten to her! Don’t worry, Meg. We have surveillance cameras everywhere, so she won’t be able to escape from this. You’re Christopher’s wife, so the police will certainly solve this quickly. At most, we’ll get the results by tomorrow. Her deliberate assault that made you have a miscarriage will surely get her locked up for a few years. No wonder Jenson called. I didn’t pick up his call earlier. He must have called to tell me about this. Darn it. I’m so angry!”


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