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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152

After they were seated in the private room, Leila took the menu from the waiter and passed it to Christopher. “Here, Mr. Lewis, you can order the dishes you like.”

However, Christopher didn’t accept the menu. He flashed a warm smile and said, “Have Margaret order the food. She knows my preferences.”

Leila felt taken aback but soon pulled herself together. She passed the menu to Margaret and said, “Here you go.”

Meanwhile, Margaret glanced cautiously at Christopher, feeling tempted to order everything he disliked. Sadly, because they were there for negotiations, she decided against doing something reckless like that. Therefore, she racked her brain and ordered all the dishes and alcohol she thought he liked.

Once the dishes got served, the gentle smile on Christopher’s face broadened.

Margaret was puzzled. What’s wrong with him today?I know he’s putting on an act in front of others, but something feels off.

After some observation, she noticed how he had never smiled with his eyes before. They were always as cold as ice and without any emotion. Yet, his eyes were brimming with joy right now.

For the rest of the entire meal, Christopher didn’t cause any mishaps either. That made him more suspicious in Margaret’s eyes. He even signed the contract without a hitch, and things seemed to be going on too smoothly.

It was already eight o’clock at night when they exited the restaurant. The night breeze brought a done-deep chill to their bones. Leila asked, “Margaret, are you going home with Mr. Lewis?”.

Before Margaret could answer, Christopher instantly spoke up. “She’s my wife. Of course, she’s coming home with me. Ms. Black, would you mind giving Emily a ride home?”

Emily nodded and obediently followed Leila into the latter’s company car.

Christopher behaved weirdly that day, so Margaret was naturally afraid to go home with him. After Leila and Emily departed, Margaret straightforwardly said, “That’s enough. There’s no one else here now. You don’t have to act like a saint and be nice to me anymore.”

Christopher looked over at Noah, who sat in the driver’s seat, and asked, “Isn’t he someone?”

That made Margaret speechless.

Meanwhile, Noah felt uncomfortable with being caught in the couple’s crossfire. Wait. Did I hear that right? Did Christopher just make a joke?


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