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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154

Margaret lowered her voice and said, “I’ll head inside then. Please help me bring

Tabby in once he leaves.”

Elizabeth nodded. She was delighted to see how much Christopher cared for Margaret. In the past, he would never tell the staff when he left the house, let alone inform them when he would be back. Most of the time, Christopher only called at the last minute to notify the staff. The unusualness in his attitude that day was because he wanted to give Margaret and Tabby some space.

After getting changed, Christopher was about to leave the house when he recalled that Margaret once took some pills behind his back. Because of that, he had mistaken her pregnancy for gastric and did not realize that she was lying to him.

Did she refuse to take the gastric medicine I gave her because of the baby? Does that mean she did care about the baby?

He opened the drawer where she placed her medicines. There were two bottles inside, one empty while the other was almost full. Both contained folic acid pills, but she didn’t need them now.

Hearing that someone was walking up the stairs, he closed the drawer and pretended nothing had happened. Then, he turned around, closed the door, and walked down the stairs. However, when he brushed past Margaret, he slowed down.

Noticing that, Margaret slowed down too and stared at him curiously. She waited for him to start the conversation.

He said, “You… You can’t let the cat inside.”

“Okay.” She had already expected him to say this.

After confirming that he had left the Lewis residence in his car, Elizabeth secretly let Tabby inside the house. Margaret quickly picked up Tabby, held it in her arms, and mentally rolled her eyes. The more Christopher stops me from letting the cat inside, the more I feel like doing it!

Her phone suddenly rang, so she put Tabby away and answered the call from Jodie. “Meg, what are you doing right now? Do you want to hang out with me?”


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