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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 158

Chapter 158

Margaret snapped back to her senses and answered, “We’re going to hire someone to search for Mr. Xenos, of course. You’re more proficient in this area, so you’ll do it. I’ll handle the money.”

It was not until dinner time that Margaret returned to the Lewis residence. In order to keep Christopher from getting suspicious, she reluctantly went to the mall to buy some clothes and whatnot that did not cost that much money.

Christopher came back shortly after she did. She originally thought that he would either not come back tonight or come back very late. After all, he was with his lover. Why would he be willing to leave Megan and come back to face his “rubbish wife”?

None of them spoke at the dinner table. Margaret did not have much of an appetite. The food tasted like wax inside her mouth, so she put her fork down after only a few bites.

When she got up to leave, he suddenly uttered, “Finish eating before you go.”

She glanced at the half-filled bowl and stated impassively, “I’m not hungry.”

The man took her bowl expressionlessly and went up to her. “You’re not allowed to leave the table until you finish the rest of the meal.”

Then, he put down his utensils and went upstairs. Margaret did not want to listen to him, but his words were like a spell, tying her down like before.

The events of the past few days awakened the rebelliousness in her bones, and she wanted to go against him all the time. She even wanted to send the helve after the hatchet, but every time he used a commanding tone, she still subconsciously felt that she should do as he said. She really hated this damned feeling!

After siuing sullenly for a while, Margaret finally scarfed down the bowl of food and went to the backyard to play with the cat. Now, only playing with the cat could calm her fury.


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