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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 167


Chapter 167

“Didn’t I mention that young people shouldn’t stay up late? Why can’t you change that habit of yours? You’re saying that you have learned from your mistake? Don’t you feel embarrassed when saying that?” teased Steven when he saw that she did not. lose her temper.

“Fine. You’re the boss. Everything you say is right. If you want to give a lecture, please be here early tomorrow. I’m off work today, and I have to go to the hospital to visit Meg,” Jodie piped up patiently, for she was worried that she would blow up and get mad at him.

“I have heard of what happened last night. I’ll pay her a visit as well. Let’s go together,” suggested Steven as he wore a solemn expression.

“Okay.” Jodie did not reject him since she could get a free ride.

The two of them drove to the hospital together. When they arrived, Christopher was parking his car in the hospital’s car park.

Seeing Christopher’s car, Steven honked his horn before parking his car. “Christopher.”

Christopher traveled his gaze between him and Jodie and nodded slightly in response.

Then, the three of them entered the elevator together. Suddenly, Steven asked, “What’s going on? Why do I feel like something bad is always happening to Margaret? Can’t you even take good care of your own woman?”

Nevertheless, Christopher remained silent and only stared at the continually changing floor numbers. As soon as the elevator stopped, he stepped out of it. “Can’t I even ask? Look at your complexion. Judging from the dark circles, I’m guessing that you must have not slept at all last night,” grumbled Steven.

In fact, Jodie had also noticed that Christopher’s complexion was not very good, which was clearly due to exhaustion.

When they walked into the ward, Margaret was awake, Coincidentally, Elizabeth had returned to the mansion to prepare dinner, so Margaret was alone in the ward. Dissatisfied, Christopher inquired, “Where’s Elizabeth?”

The woman on the bed answered, “She went back to prepare food for me. Why did

the three of you come together?”


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