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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 172

Chapter 172

It was around five o’clock afternoon. Christopher pulled up the car at the Lewis residence while everyone in the Lewis family sighed a breath of relief. When he stepped out of the car, Tabby limped forward and stomped on his feet. It was as if it was venting its frustration.

Goosebumps rose all over Christopher’s body at the sight of the chubby cat. However, when he saw Margaret staring at him at the door, he had no choice but to pick Tabby up into his arms.

Margaret was puzzled at the sight of it. Since when did he become so close with Tabby

At the same time, Nina was watching through the window from upstairs with a frown on her forehead. Since he was a child, he hated furry animals. I cant believe hes holding Margarets cat right now

“The wind is strong today. Don’t be out here and rest in bed. Ask Elizabeth to deliver the meal to your room,” advised Christopher as he walked up to Margaret and placed Tabby in her arms.

Once again, Margaret was stunned. He hates it the most when one doesnt have good manners. He had never allowed me to eat in my room too. I cant believe hes suggesting it 


She then twitched her head and asked, “Can Tabby enter the room too? He’ll be scared if I’m not by his side for the whole day…”

Christopher stopped in his tracks briefly. “Don’t push your luck. I’ll get rid of him if I see him in there,” he said without raising his voice.

The corner of Margaret’s lips quirked up. Does that mean I’ll be fine as long he doesnt see Tabby

During dinner, Marget thought that it was innecessary to have her meal sent to her room. It was not like she was disabled anyway.

Silence sank in after Nina said those words. The memories of Margaret being tormented by Megan flashed across Margaret’s mind. Is she another love rival


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