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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 174

Chapter 174 

At the sight of Margaret’s slightly parted lips, Christopher’s eyes darkened. He involuntarily leaned over and kissed her.

Immediately, Margaret’s was blown. Huh? What on earth is he doing? There are plenty of unresolved problems between us. Shouldnt we be at each others throats now? Whats with him kissing me?

“Mmm… Stop…” She wanted to turn his adyances down, but as soon as she opened her mouth, he seized the opportunity to slip his tongue in. To prevent her from struggling, he even pinned her down with his body through the covers, rendering her entirely immobile. Of course, he didn’t put his entire weight on her.

She was completely taken control, forced to endure his attention. Due to the shortage of oxygen, her mind went blank. All of a sudden, Tabby slid out from under the covers and meowed.

Christopher stiffened and reflexively leaped off the bed, looking as though he had suffered a fright.

Margaret flipped open the covers and scooped Tabby up, dashing out of the room with her face flushed bright red. “Elizabeth, change the sheets and covers, please!”

Bewildered, Elizabeth queried, “Didn’t I just change it a while ago?”

found out

At that, Elizabeth quickly responded in the affirmative. Just then, Christopher’s voice rang out from upstairs. “Forget it!” Then, the sound of a door slamming shut pierced the air.

The resounding bang had Elizabeth shuddering, and she persuaded in exasperation, “Meg, don’t take Tabby into the bedroom since Mr. Lewis doesn’t like to have a cat in there, lest the two of you have a row again. It’s far better to live peacefully, no? Hand it over to me, okay? It can sleep in my room at night.”

However, Margaret hesitated, “But there are already four people staying in your room. Is it appropriate for Tabby to stay there as well?”

After reluctantly handing Tabby to the woman and watching them leave, Margaret grew worried. Should I go back to the bedroom now? But Christopher slammed the door shut… 

Really? She had never seen him so angry or speak in such a loud voice before? Margaret inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief. He only reveals his true nature before those with whom hes close, so it means that shes only an acquaintance to him


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