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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 180

Chapter 180 

All right, then. In that case, you‘ll have to foot the bill for this meal. This is just the kind of person I am. I never spend on a woman unless shes my woman. If the matchmaker hadnt assured me that this definitely wouldnt be a trip made in vain, I wouldn‘t even have come.The bald, middleaged mans face soured at once

Jodie cursed inwardly. She didnt even have to think before a lightbulb went off in her head that the matchmaker must have been one of her mothers poker buddies, for they were a bunch of unreliable women

Ive just started working, so how would I have any money? Hes the one who decided on this restaurant, and it was also him who ordered. Yet, he wants me to pay for everything. Argh! How I wish to tear into him right now! Mister, dont you think its more suitable for us to split the bill? How could you ask me to pay for you as well? You don‘t spend on a woman who has nothing to do with you, so it makes no sense for me to spend on a man who has nothing to do with me either. Don‘t you agree? I dont know what the matchmaker told you, but you can go and talk to her about your complaints. Im only going to pay for my share.” 

Upon hearing that, the bald, middleaged man instantly objected, I only ordered so much food because I thought youd agree to date me. I ordered all this for you, no? Shouldnt you be footing the bill, then? Are you thinking that Im easy prey because I look honest and gullible? Young women like you nowadays are always lazing around, hoping to dupe men into treating you to a drink and a meal. Ive seen too many such women! As long as Im willing to pay, you‘d even keep me company for a night, right? Name your price! I’m not strapped for cash. As long as you can please me tonight, you don‘t need to pay for this meal!” 

Never mind that he was a parsimonious divorcee with unsightly looks despite being an owner of a company with an annual income of a million, but his character was also so odious that he could utter such words and make such a demand of someone of the opposite sex whom he had only met for the first time

Jodie felt as though she had been struck by a bolt of lightning. His socalled advantage of making a million every year is nothing in my eyes, yet he dares to utter such audacious remarks

Excuse me, mister! Oh no, I should be calling you a scum. Where did you get this confidence of yours? To put it frankly, youre not even worthy of carrying my sandals! Please dont think that your meager money is almighty in my eyes. Even to buy a house, Im sure youll have to save up for a few years, right? Fine, Ill pay for this meal. The food hasn’t yet been served anyway, and you hadnt eaten a single bite

Chapter 180 

+10 pearls 

Of course, you also cant eat it anymore. You may leave now. Im hanging on to the last shred of my manners that Im not cursing you out here. Please get out of here posthaste, okay?” 

The bald, middleaged man jumped to his feet and shot daggers at her. What did you just say? Repeat it if you dare! I just have to make a single trip to the club, and women like you are all a dime a dozen there. Yet, you think youre so high and mighty! I merely have to spend a thousand for a full package with a woman like you. Why should I invest my emotions and empty my pockets?” 

Snapping, Jodie rolled her eyes unceremoniously, In that case, go and look for one at the club! A thousand isnt a small sum either to someone like you. I recommend that you go to a more highend place one day. Youve never tried those women who cost hundreds of thousands a night, have you? Go and broaden your horizons instead of making a fool of yourself here.” 


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