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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 184

An Impossible Marriage 

Chapter 184 

Ninas face paled to a ghastly white as she grumbled, Im staying in Christophers house, yet I have to give in to your cat? Hey, Im the human here. So, why do I have to tolerate a cat? Why cant you just put it in the yard? Letting it inside will only bring germs, and fur, along with its potential wild nature. All these are detrimental to us.She paused for a bit before adding, Not to mention that your body is also weak now. If you were to get pregnant again, you would have to screen for parasite infection, for the baby might end up having birth defects or even becoming a stillborn baby!” 

Straightening up her back, Margaret yelled through gritted teeth, Why dont you just stop staying here, then? Im the lady of this house, so I dont think I need approval from anyone before I rear my own pet, let alone from a guest like you!She then went on, Look. I know its Tabbys fault to hurt you. But it would not scratch you for no reason, okay? I am so sorry. Why don‘t I pay for your vaccination? Will that be okay?” 

Wearing a darkened countenance, Nina covered the wound on her arm and ran to the room upstairs. The sound of her slamming the door came clear as a bell downstairs

Perhaps Christopher had overheard the womens conversation. He went into Ninas room, seemingly to be discussing something. Soon enough, Nina dragged her luggage out of the room and stormed downstairs while talking on the phone

Judging by her tone, she was most likely on the line with her father, Charles

Christopher grabbed her phone in an instant and said, Its not that serious, Mr. Moore. Megs just in a bad mood because of the miscarriage, and Nina merely got scratched by my cat. I‘ll bring Nina to the clinic later. Everythings fine, so don’t worry.” 

Margaret, in turn, completely ignored them. They can do whatever they want to. If worse comes to worst, let me be the scapegoat, then. It’s no big deal

Nina, however, did not seem to have the intention to leave. As soon as she hung up the phone, she complained to Christopher with reddened eyes, So, its my fault to be scratched by the cat? Why did she have to talk like that? You heard that, too, right? She said shes the lady of this house, and she said that right to my face as if Im fighting over it!She continued to lament, Back when we knew each other, she wasnt even there! If my father didnt ask me to stay here after coming back from abroad, I dont even want to come here! He already bought me a house, but I cant move in yet because of the renovation. Otherwise, I wouldnt have to be pushed around like this!” 

Christopher was starting to lose his patience, but he had no idea who he needed to blame

Without saying a word, he dragged Ninas luggage back to the room. In the end, Nina sull followed him downstairs and sat by the dining table, getting ready for dinner

At that juncture, Tabby was suill hiding under the couch, refusing to come out, Margaret merely sat beside Tabby. She had to choke back her anger and live with it, but she did not want Tabby to 

suffer the same fate

Its time for dinner, Margaret,Christopher called out to her

Margaret mumbled, Im not eating.” 

Suppressing his emotion, Christopher approached her and pulled her up from the floor. Are you still a kid? Come and have dinner!” 


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