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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 191

An Impossible Marriage

Chapter 191 

Christopher called out to Margaret in the dining room. Hurry up! Eat your breakfast. Youll leave with me later. I can send you over. Otherwise, youll need to hail a taxi if youre moving too slow.” 

Just then, Tabby came to Margaret. The latter hugged the cat in her arms, then let it go unwillingly before taking her breakfast. Margaret was surprised when she saw Nina had gotten up early too

Nina lost her appetite when she saw Margaret looking energetic. Before that, she had thought Margaret looked morbid and pale. Though Margaret was not ugly, she had not looked beautiful either. However, Nina finally understood why Christopher fell for Margaret after seeing the latter dolling herself up that day. 

Margaret, where do you work?Nina asked so naturally as though nothing had happened between them

I work in Caspers company. We do fashion design.Margaret did not express any negative emotions on her face. After all, she could not put up a cold front when the woman tried to be kind

You were sick earlier, so I dared not bring you out. How about I meet you after work, and we go shopping before dinner together? I dont have any friends since I came back here. Its getting boring,Nina suggested

Sure,Margaret agreed. Then, she finished up her bowl of oatmeal porridge in no time and turned to look at Christopher. Im done.” 

Christopher looked at his half bowl of oatmeal porridge and turned to look at Margarets tiny mouth. He could not understand how she could finish hers in such a short time. As such, he hastened his speed in finishing his breakfast

After breakfast, the duo left the house together. In the car, Christopher suddenly said to Margaret in a fatherly tone, Call me if you dont feel well in the office. If I got too busy and didnt answer your call, you may ask Casper to send you home and get Fredrick to send a doctor to give you a checkup at home. Dont try to act tough. Your immunity is still weak. Its better not to go to the hospital. I dont want you to work because Im afraid something might happen to you. You can do whatever you want as long as you take care of yourself.” 

Margaret looked at him as though he was an alien. Whats wrong with you today?” 

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Chapter 191 

+10 pearls 

The mans expression darkened instantly. What did you say?” 

Margaret quickly corrected herself, I‘m just wondering why you start nagging now. Im not a kid anymore. If I dont feel well, Ill ask for a day off. The reason I work is to earn money, not for fun. So, I wont force myself to continue working if I dont feel well. Dont worry about me.” 

Meanwhile, Noah was surprised by Christophers words. Apparently, Margaret was not the only one who sensed that Christopher had changed, as Noah felt the same too. Since there was no one else in the car, Christopher did not need to fake himself to be gentle. Hence, everything he said earlier came from the bottom of his heart. To Noah, that was terrifying

They arrived at Soaring Design shortly. Margaret could not wait to get out of the car. Christopher reminded her again, Remember what I told you.” 


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