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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37 

Margaret intended to explain that Christopher was actually quite docile last night, but she was indeed tired. Thus, she thanked him gratefully, All right. Thank you.” 

When she returned to the Lewis residence, she entered the living room to see a charming man on the couch. She was surprised, as Christopher, the workaholic, would usually be out at this time

Vacillating between greeting him or not, she pondered for two seconds before making up her mind and marching upstairs directly

Seeing that, Christopher glowered in fury while putting down the magazine in his hand. In the end, he suppressed his anger upon seeing Margarets exhausted look

It was then a message popped up on his phone. He glanced at it to find that Casper sent it. The message read: Ive followed your instruction and sent her home early to rest. Ive also fired Gavin. Remember that you owe me a meal

Without giving a reply, Christopher threw the phone aside. Had he known that she would give him the cold shoulder, he would not have asked Casper to let her off work early 

Margaret immediately went to bed after arriving home. She was awakened by a call 

from Jodie at around eight oclock that night. Upon seeing who the caller was, she was surprised. Jo?” 

On the other side of the phone, Jodie exclaimed in exhilaration, Meg, Im back! Im at the airport now, and Ill be meeting you tomorrow! Are you free to meet up tomorrow?” 

Without a second thought, Margaret replied, I have to go to work tomorrow. Ill meet you after work.” 

In fact, she had always been managing her time wisely. Hence, she knew very well what she should do at a certain time, and she would adhere to her timetable

Never had she expected Jodie to return this soon. This surprising event made her instantly forget about her worries

Just then, Elizabeth knocked on the door and reminded, Mrs. Lewis, dinner is ready.” 

With that, Margaret ended the call and responded to Elizabeth. Elizabeth would usually change the way she addressed Margaret when Christopher was at home

The corners of Margarets mouth were still curving upward slightly when she walked down the stairs, a stark contrast to the gloominess in Christophers eyes

Sitting at the dining table, Margaret savored two plates of pasta and relished a bowl of soup, as she had a good appetite at that moment. She pondered for a while before saying, I have some matters to attend to after work tomorrow. So, Ill be coming home late.” 

Christopher merely snorted coldly in response without uttering a word

She paused briefly before adding, Jo is back. I want to see her.” 

Christopher dropped a sarcastic comment. Really? Do you want to see her, or do you want to hear about Jenson from her?” 

She held her breath, then stood up and said, Ive finished eating.” 

Christopher cast an icy gaze at her. Did I say you could leave?” 

Margaret stood rigid under his gaze. Is there anything else you want to say?” 

You have to come back home on time tomorrow. If you can’t do that, don‘t even think about leaving the house.Christopher stood up and strode upstairs as soon as he finished speaking, leaving no chance for Margaret to refuse his order

She could acquiesce for other trifles, but she must meet up with Jodie tomorrow

At that thought, she gnashed her teeth and followed Christopher. Christopher, I only want to catch up with Jo, thats all.” 

Christopher stopped in his tracks briefly. Ive asked you that question, but you didnt answer me. You only have one chance.” 

Flustered, Margaret wondered what to do with him. Suddenly, she remembered Elizabeth had told her that she could please Christopher by acting compliantly


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