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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40 

Jodie was shocked to hear such news. What? YYou married Christopher? What about Jenson?” 

Margaret initially was not going to tell Jodie anything about this. At first, she thought that her marriage to Christopher was meant to appease that incident. However, she later discovered that Christopher had not made their marriage public. Hence, the idea of getting married to Christopher did not make any sense to Margaret now

Now that Casper mentioned it, she was forced to explain. Yes. Ive become an orphan when I was eight, and he took me in. When you were overseas, we got married. We didnt make a big deal out of it. Anyway, I didnt tell you because I couldnt contact you.Margaret purposely avoided mentioning Jenson in her explanation. With how things were now, she figured there would be no future for her and Jenson

Jodie, however, was dubious about it all. Did... he force you to marry him?” 

Margaret shook her head and smiled wryly. No, he didnt.” 

Jodie then finally connected the dots. In that case, I understand why he targeted Jenson and me in the past. Its because he likes you. Theres no doubt he wont tolerate any betrayal from you. He must have been infuriated when he knew about what happened between you and Jenson. Has he treated you well? Did he abuse you? Why is there a bruise on your head? Did he do it to you?” 

Following the series of questions Jodie fired at Margaret, the latter could only stare at her helplessly. No, he didnt give me this. I accidentally knocked my head earlier. He never laid a finger on me, so dont worry. He has been nice to me too. Im telling the truth.” 

The bruise on her head was actually Megans doing. Margaret did not tell Jodie that because it would be hard for her to explain everything

Jodie then sighed. Frankly, Christopher is a good choice. Hes handsome and rich. Moreover, you two have been staying together for so long, so you must know him well. Regardless, as long as you like him, Ill support your decision and always be by your side no matter what.” 

Margaret was touched. After all, she was fortunate to have someone support her unconditionally 

Soon, all the dishes were served. Jodie noticed that Casper did not touch any of the food, and it annoyed her. She was also from a rich family, yet she never acted like that. Hence, in order to teach him a lesson, she served him some food. Do eat, Casper. Youre Megs friend. That means youre my friend too. You dont have to be shy.” 

Casper stole a glance at Margaret before summoning his courage to try the food. The environment alone nauseated him, not to mention the food. He suppressed the urge to throw up before forcing a smile. Its good.” 

Margaret knew that he was not feeling well, but she disregarded it on purpose. She was not happy in the first place to bring him along when meeting her friend, so she wanted him to suffer a little

Throughout the entire meal, Caspers face was pale. Later, Jack went outside to take a phone call. When he returned, he informed, I need to go now. Somethings up.” 

Jodie hurriedly added, Ill go with you.” 

Jack smiled and helped Jodie adjust her clothes. Okay.” 

Though his actions showed intimacy and affection, his eyes did not reflect those feelings. They did not look like a genuine couple at all

The four then exited the restaurant, and Casper was eager to leave. Shall we go now, Margaret?” 

Jodie felt that they did not have a pleasant meetup that day. Guilty, she said, Meg, lets end the meeting for today. Ill arrange for another meeting soon. Since I just got back, I have a lot of matters to take care of.” 

Margaret nodded in reply. Okay. Be careful on the way back.” 


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