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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43 

Margaret did not say anything and dragged Jodie away. Caspers gaze is way too terrifying. I hope he cant tell that Im trying to escape... 

After watching them disappear from his sight, Casper walked into the private dining room Christopher and Megan were in. Then, he brought up the topic casually, I bumped into some familiar faces on the way here.” 

Christopher was disinterested in the topic, while Megan blinked her eyes innocently and asked, Who did you meet?” 

Casper smiled lightly. Margaret and her friend.” 

Megan froze as she shut her mouth in annoyance, observing Christophers expression. When she saw his indifferent expression, she was filled with glee. It looks like he doesnt care so much about Margaret, after all. However, I would pay to see her reaction after seeing Christopher and me grabbing lunch

Casper wanted to wipe Christophers calm expression off his face. Thus, he continued, Her friend started to condemn me out of nowhere, demanding me increase the companys lunchtime to two hours. She mentioned Margaret ate hastily because the break was too short. Weirdly, nobody has complained about having insufficient time to eat lunch. Its not like they dont have enough time to eat another meal. I wonder why they left in such a hurry...” 

Christophers body stiffened up, and his eyes darkened

Casper finally had a sense of satisfaction seeing his reaction and stopped talking

When the waiter started to serve the dishes, Christopher suddenly grabbed his jacket and headed to the door. I have something to do, so Ill take my leave.” 

Immediately, Megan grabbed his sleeves. Christopher! You promised you would accompany me for lunch today!” 

A gentle smile appeared on Christophers face, but his gaze said otherwise. Ill make it up to you next time. Okay?” 

Megan understood Christopher disliked her being too clingy. Hence, she decided it was the right time to act coquettishly. Thus, she stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheeks. Dont lie to me.” 

However, Christophers expression turned cold as he turned to leave without a word

Megan was taken aback. Its not like we have never done something as intimate as this before. So why this reaction

It took her some time to snap back to her senses. Then, she sat back down and asked with a sweet voice, Casper, did you tell Christopher about me visiting the company to look for Margaret?” 

Casper shrugged. I don‘t have that much time on my hands. That matters between the two of you, anyway.” 

Megan heaved a sigh of relief. Then, do you think Christopher likes Margaret? You know him best, so you should know what hes thinking. Please tell me, okay?

Although Casper seemed calm, he secretly cursed Christopher for leaving this mess for him to handle. He hated dealing with women. I really dont know about this. However, Margaret is his legal wife, so it doesnt matter if he likes her or not. Dont expect too much of Christopher. Accept it if he treats you well but demand nothing more from him.” 

Megan understood what he was trying to say. Faking obliviousness, she demanded in a coy manner, Since Christopher is gone, lets eat together.”. 

Goosebumps formed on Caspers skin upon listening to how sweet her voice was. If Megan did not have a pretty appearance, he would have left right that instant. However, when he looked closely, he noticed that she seemed somewhat similar to Margaret, but only a little. All right. I still need to return to the company, so Ill send you back home after lunch.” 


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