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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 

Christopher went back to the Lewis residence after a few days. 

Margaret had turned the empty room upstairs into an art room. She had spent most of her time in the room for the past few days. 

Her hand felt tense, and she almost accidentally made a mistake in painting when she heard him walking upstairs. She halted in her move and decided to stop painting because she had already lost her concentration. 

The door was suddenly pushed open. Elizabeth muttered softly, “Meg, Mr. Lewis is looking for you. He is in his room right now.” 

Margaret glanced at her hands and clothes that were smudged by the paint. “Wait for a minute. I need to clean myself first.” 

After removing her jacket, she went to wash her hands before returning to her room. She took a whiff to ensure she did not stink lest Christopher would be irritated. 

She had been really meticulous and making every move cautiously since she was eight years old. 

A faint tobacco smell filled the air when she shoved open his door. Frowning, Margaret asked, “What‘s the matter?” 

Christopher stood in front of the window while enjoying the view of snow. He donned a well–tailored gray suit, accentuating his tall figure. Even his back looked exceptionally captivating. “There will be a fashion exhibition held by my company at six o‘clock tonight, and your work will be showcased. It‘s up to you if you want to attend or not.” 

My work? Is he talking about the wedding dress design that he had once guided me? How could the wedding dress be produced so quickly? Margaret agreed readily upon hearing that, “I‘ll go.” 

Covering his mouth, Christopher let out a few coughs without saying anything. After pausing for a moment, she asked, “Have you not recovered from your cold yet? Remember to take your medicine.” 



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