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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78 

As expected, he was flipping through a fashion magazine on the couch when she got downstairs

Its time for dinner,Margaret reminded gently

At the sound of that, Christopher put away the magazine and walked into the dining room without a word

Margaret could not help but feel that something was amiss. She recalled how everything was fine when they were at Water Bay Restaurant. Thus, she was confused by the sudden change in his attitude

At the dining table, she asked softly, Whats wrong? Did I do something wrong?” 

In truth, she hoped that they could get along harmoniously. After all, they had been together for so many years. She did not want to hold a hostile attitude toward Christopher

Christopher put down the fork and looked at her coldly. Jenson is coming back on the first of the next month.” 

Margaret was a little taken aback by his words. She knew he had mentioned it before, but she did not take him seriously then. She also had no idea why he would suddenly agree to let Jenson come back. Why?she asked

His eyes narrowed while exuding a dangerous aura. No reason,he replied

Hearing that, Margaret did not say anything else because she did not dare to talk about anything that had to do with Jenson in front of him. She then thought about how there was only a week left before it was the next month

A few days later, Jodie also called Margaret to tell her the same news. Jodie could not hide her excitement at all as she delivered the news over the phone. After all, the three of them were best friends

However, Margaret did not feel the same. She had no idea how things would unfold with Jenson back, and she did not want to get her hopes up. Jo, Ive heard.” 

Jodie was a little surprised. How did you know? Jenson did mention that youll be the first to know, but he had never even contacted you. I really dont understand whats going on with the two of you.” 

Margaret took a deep breath and replied, Christopher told me a week ago.” 

Jodie paused for a moment and said, Meg, you should keep your distance from Jenson now that you‘re married. You wont be able to stay friends with him now that youre married to Christopher. Still, I just wanted to tell you that hes coming back... Thats all.” 

With the purpose of the call achieved, Jodie then ended the call. Margaret stared at the halffinished drawing in front of her for a few moments. Then, she tore it off and threw it in the trash can. She had spent two weeks on that piece, yet she never got to finish it. She had lost her touch as her state of mind had changed

In the wee hours of the morning, Margaret was tossing and turning in bed. She had no idea why she could not sleep. After all, she was used to being alone without Christopher. She would always occupy only a third of their huge bed when he was not there

Suddenly, she heard a car arriving at the house. Then, a few moments later, the door was pushed open. She saw Christophers tall figure in the dark, and he was staggering a little bit. It seemed that he had been drinking again, and he had drunk quite a lot

She pretended to be asleep and tried to keep her breathing as regular as possible. She thought perhaps she could get away peacefully that way


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