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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 

Margaret lowered her head and took a deep breath. When she looked up again, her lips were curled into a pleasant smile

The audience was eagerly anticipating a fallout, but she was putting up an act to mask her real emotions

Slowly, she sauntered over and took the microphone from Waverly Gadway, Jensons fiancée. Without looking at Jenson, she said, Im honored to have my work displayed here. As a former friend of yours, I wish you happiness, Jenson.” 

Without warning, Jenson pulled her into a tight and meaningful embrace. I hope youll be happy, too.” 

Waverly was standing right next to them, so she saw the anguish in Jensons eyes. The sight of Jensons anguish was pure torture to her

The hug only lasted for five seconds, and nothing out of the ordinary happened. Margaret returned the microphone to the pastor and headed back to the crowd without looking back

Christophers gaze tracked her every movement. His lips were pursed, and he didnt utter a word

Beside him, Steven joked, Christopher, I suddenly realized Margaret resembles you a lot. Shes great at putting up an act so others wont know what shes thinking about.” 

Without a word, Christopher strode toward Margaret. Feeling worried, Steven dragged Casper and trailed after him

When Jodie spotted the three men, her face turned as dark as thunder. Standing before Margaret in a protective manner, she demanded, Christopher, have you had enough? Youve achieved your goal! I was wondering why Meg had to suffer back in primary school despite having you as her brother. Turns out you were gentle to everyone except for her! You dont deserve to be her brother, let alone her husband!” 

To everyones surprise, Christopher remained unfazed. Steven, however, bristled and pulled Jodie away. Shut up! This doesnt concern you. Let‘s go!” 

No matter how hard Jodie struggled, she was no match for Steven. The man dragged her away easily. As a result, she bit into his wrist and caused a bloody wound

Steven found it both annoying and hilarious. Are you a dog?he demanded

Jodie glared at him. Im not a dog, but I don‘t mind turning into onewhen I see you. Youre a b*stard, just like Christopher!” 

Steven felt wronged, but he couldnt really explain himself. “All right, then. You can assume whatever you like as long as you‘re happy.” 

Meanwhile, Margaret didn‘t show her displeasure or fury before Christopher. She took his arm and said, Id like to go home. Should we leave together? Or should I leave alone so you can give Megan a ride?” 

Christopher gazed at her intently. For the first time in his life, he couldnt read her thoughts. Lets go.” 

Back in the car, Margaret kept a distance between them and wore an icy expression that resembled his. Through the rearview mirror, Noah glanced at both icebergs and felt a chill go down his spine. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, aare we going home?” 

Margaret said nothing, but Christopher responded with a curt grunt

Throughout the journey, they didnt utter a word. Back at the Lewis residence, Margaret took a shower and changed into comfortable house slippers and casual clothes before entering the art room. After locking the door, she finally allowed the tears to trickle down her cheeks

Initially, she thought her hatred would fade away with time, but she belatedly realized it would merely intensify with time. Christopher still hated her, and her hatred for him was increasing drastically. No matter how hard she tried to keep the balance and peace, it just wouldnt work. I shouldnt have harbored any wishful thinking in the first place


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