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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 85

Chapter 85 

Margaret felt an incoming headache. She glanced at the steaming bowl of oatmeal porridge and got up to head upstairs

As she thought that Christopher was still asleep, she was surprised to learn that Christopher didnt sleep a wink last night. After he took a shower, he put on his bathrobe and sat before the window the entire night. The covers on the bed remained untouched, so it was obvious that he didnt sleep on the bed last night

Margaret offered him the oatmeal porridge. Have some oatmeal porridge to soothe your stomach.” 

Christopher didnt bother sparing her a glance. Get out.” 

She did not move an inch. Fredrick is currently packing up his stuff. Is there really no room for negotiation?” 

Massaging his glabella, Christopher answered impatiently, Dont make me repeat myself.” 

Margaret shut up at once, but she made no move to leave

Alas, Christopher ignored her and got up to change his clothes. Panicking, she declared, Christopher! The culprit behind Jos family case was found dead, but the materials are nowhere to be found. Jo was in a bad mood, so I went out to comfort her. I insisted on leaving the house, and it has nothing to do with Fredrick. If you want to blame someone, come at me!” 

After putting on his suit, Christopher wore his watch and glanced at the time before announcing, You have two minutes to convince me. If you cant make me change my mind, my decision will remain the same. Dont talk nonsense.” 

Anxiety flared up in Margarets heart as she blurted out, Im no longer the little girl you took in. I‘m your wife! We need to accept the change in our relationship no matter what the cause is. Its time for us to change the way we deal with matters!” 

He shot her a calm look. First, you should act like a wife. It isnt a good habit to stay out late.” 

Margaret was deflated like a balloon, and her shoulders slumped. Im sorry.” 

Christopher reminded her, “You want to change the way we deal with stuff

Therefore, you shouldnt apologize to solve the problem just like you used to do back then.” 

With that said, he strode toward the door. At her wits end, Margaret ran over and blocked his path. She stood on her tiptoes and gave his cheek a peck. It was my fault. Please dont be mad at me, hmm?” 

The mans body stiffened as he was shocked by her action

Margaret felt a flush creep up her cheeks in embarrassment. I sound just like Megan when she acts coy. Despite hating it, I instinctively did it thinking that he loves it

Taking in the change in his expression, she waited eagerly for him to speak. Finally, after a brief silence, Christopher gave in. This better not happen again. Get out of my way.” 


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