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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 

Nina Moore, Charlesdaughter, appeared in Christophers mind. The last time they met was when he was seventeen. At that time, Nina was only thirteen years old, and she was not very goodlooking. Christopher changed the topic and stated, Mr. Moore, stop joking around. Ninas personality isnt compatible with mine.” 

Charles smiled without commenting. He had been doing everything he could in the best interests of his daughter. Yet, Charles was unable to find a suitable husband for her

Meanwhile, at a hospital in Dellmoor, Jodie and her mother, Raina Gray, were standing beside Zacharys hospital bed

Their eyebrows were furrowed. After all, they were in a fourperson ward, and the other patientsfamilies had not stopped talking all day. The noise irked Jodie, but she was held back by Raina. They could not afford to stay in a singleperson ward with their current circumstances

Just then, one of the patients family members took away Jodies flask. My dad has soiled his bed. Lend me your water!” 

Jodie exploded in anger and yelled, Why didnt he do it in the toilet? Can‘t you prepare your own water?” 

The other party did not take her seriously and replied, My dad is eighty this year. He can‘t control his urination and defecation. How could he have the time to go to the toilet? Whats wrong with using your water? You got your water from the hospital for free. You can just refill it after Im done.” 

Jodie wanted to argue with him but was held back by Raina. Its fine. We can get more water later.” 

As soon as her words fell, the flask fell from the mans hand and was dropped to the ground, causing it to break apart

The man took a look at the broken flask on the ground. Not only did he not apologize, but he also mocked, How cheap. Why did you cheapskates buy such a cheap good? It broke so easily when I didnt manage to hold it properly.” 

Jodie almost exploded in anger. No matter how cheap it is, its still someone elses belonging. Pay me back!” 

The man handed over his own dirty flask which he had used for many years. Here! You can have it.” 

Jodie did not reach out to take it as she was disgusted. You couldve fetched the water on your own when you have a flask. Are you nuts?” 

As the mans family members were all present in the room, he stood up in an imposing manner before saying, Who are you calling nuts? Isnt it just a flask? Ill just give you another flask since I broke yours. Why do you have so much to say about that?” 

Raina had never encountered such a situation before, as she had been a wealthy lady all her life. She shielded Jodie and said, Its fine, Jo. You can go buy a new one. Stop arguing. Your dad wont be able to rest well if its too noisy.” 

Jodie glared at those people and left after slamming the door angrily. She looked visibly upset, and one could tell that she was not to be messed with. She then strode forward with a fierce look


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