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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 

With a halfsmile, the nurse replied, He insisted on donating the money anonymously. So, we cant disclose his name. He told us that he knows you. As for other information, please forgive us for not being able to further disclose them to you.” 

A deep frown formed on Jodies forehead. He knows me? I know a lot of people. I cant determine his identity with that one fact. I have an idea, why don‘t you tell me what he looks like and his height? I might be able to make a guess then.” 

As a result of Jodies persuasive skills, the nurse felt compelled to spill everything she knew. Hes quite young and handsome. Hes tall and rich too. Thats all I can tell you. Please stop asking me about him. I might spill everything out if you press for more, and its against the rules to give information about an anonymous donor.” 

Jodie stopped bothering the nurse, but she did not stop thinking about the identity of the donor. Young, handsome, tall, and rich. Most people I know fit the descriptions, but right now, almost none of them would be willing to help. If its Jenson, theres no need for him to donate it anonymously

She immediately thought of Jack when pondering the donors identity. Though Jack would not have such a big sum of money, there was a possibility of him gathering it somewhere else. The nurse would, of course, label him as rich with that amount of money

With that thought in mind, she walked toward the end of the corridor and dialed Jacks number. The phone was left ringing for quite some time when Jack finally answered it. Yes?His voice was flat

Jodie, however, did not mind that. She was still grateful for Jacks kind actions despite the latters indifferent attitude. Thank you.” 

Jack was staring at his computer screen when he answered the phone. Upon hearing her, he replied nonchalantly, What are you thanking me for?” 

A smile then formed on Jodies face. Oh, stop it, Jack. You paid for my dads hospital fees anonymously, didnt you? Why didnt you tell me about it? Im sorry for neglecting you lately. Ive been busy with my familys issues. But I promise that Ill go look for you once I have time.” 

Jack frowned upon hearing her words and instinctively wanted to deny her statement. However, on second thought, he changed his mind. He shifted his 

attention back to the computer and simply said, Im a little busy now. Goodbye.” 

Christopher returned to the Lewis residence around midnight. Margaret was already asleep, but the sound of the car engine woke her up

Recently, she was unable to sleep well, and any slight movement would wake her up

Soon, the bedroom door was opened

Margaret remained silent as the sound she heard in Jadeboroughs hotel room kept ringing in her ears. She did not know why she would be bothered by it

Christopher headed straight to the bathroom after entering the bedroom and immediately left the bedroom after a shower

Margaret remained wide awake after that. When she headed downstairs for breakfast in the morning, Christopher exited the study at the same time. Though the two saw each other, they did not exchange any conversation

Margaret then texted him: Im going to the hospital to visit Jos dad later

Christopher saw the text but did not reply, his deep eyes void of emotion

Margaret decided to deem his silence as consent. She left for the hospital after breakfast. Unlike those spoiled and pampered princesses that could not stand an uncomfortable environment, Jodie did not mind hanging out at the ward to accompany her dad. She even slept on the chair for the night


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