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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 97

Chapter 97 

Inside the restaurant, the three friends were conversing as they enjoyed the food. Suddenly, a person entered the restaurant, 

Jenson spotted the person almost immediately as he was facing the exit. After identifying that person as Waverly, his expression darkened. 

Waverly spotted Jenson when she walked through the door. With her heels tapping the floor, she approached them and jokingly commented, “How could you have no time to spend with your fiancée when you have time for your friends? Jenson, you‘ve hurt me.” 

Jodie, who was in utter shock, bit her fork and shifted her gaze between Jenson and Margaret. Not knowing how to deal with the situation before her, she decided to remain silent. 

With a frown, Jenson asked, “How did you know that I‘m here?” 

Waverly smiled and seated herself next to him. “Will you trust me if I tell you that I saw you when I happened to pass by the restaurant?” 

Jenson did not respond to that. Instead, Margaret asked, “Have you eaten? You can have lunch with us if you don‘t mind.” 

Waverly smiled at her and gestured at the waiter for another set of cutlery, “Do you guys have any plans after the meal? I‘m planning to go shopping with Jenson. Would you two like to join us?” 

Margaret was the first to answer. “I can‘t. I have work.” 

Jodie immediately followed. “I have to take care of my father. You two do have fun.” 

Waverly, with a disappointed expression, said, “Well, if so, I guess it‘s just the two of us, then.” 

Soon, Jenson put down his fork and declared, “I‘m done eating.” 

Waverly, with a shrimp in her mouth, widened her eyes innocently and said, “Why do you eat so little? The food is quite nice. You should eat more.” 


Upon entering the restroom, she immediately induced vomit. if it werent because of Jenson, I wont touch any of the food here. I almost threw up when I ate the first bite! She could not stand a low–class restaurant. 


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