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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 1

Today was the wedding of A City socialite, Violette Dennis.

There was no groom at her wedding.

That was because her groom-to-be, Elijah Bourne, was in a car accident half a year ago. He had been in a vegetative state ever since. Docs said he wouldn't make it past Christmas.

In the face of such grim news, Grace Bourne, Elijah's mother, decided to give her son a wedding before he kicked the bucket.

The Bourne family was one of the wealthiest in A City, but no lady of high society wanted to marry a man on his deathbed.

Violette had all dressed up in front of the vanity mirror.

She was in a white wedding dress, and her skin was smooth as silk. Her make-up was on point, making her look stunning, like a blooming red rose.

But there was a knot in her eyes and showed her insecure.

The ceremony was in twenty minutes, and she kept checking her phone, waiting for a reply.

Before she was forced to marry Elijah, she had a boyfriend.

Her boyfriend, ironically, was Elijah's nephew, Kaleb Bourne.

Their relationship was a secret, though.

She texted Kaleb last night, hoping he would elope with her and get out of A City. But she hadn’t heard back from him all night. She couldn't wait any longer.

She got up from the chair, tightly clutching her phone, and found an excuse to leave the room.

As she walked past a lounge, she stopped immediately.

The door was ajar, and she heard her sister, Sabrina Dennis, giggling.

“Kaleb, my clueless sister is probably still waiting for you to find her! Why don't you go and soothe her? What if she changes her mind and decides to bolt?” Sabrina said.

Kaleb, holding Sabrina in his arms, planted a kiss on her neck, “With all the fuss today, she won't back out. Even if she does, our Bourne family bodyguards will force her to go through with it!”

Sabrina's laughter was like a dagger, “If Violette knew you spend every night with me, she would go ballistic, ha!”

Violette’s mind was a whirlwind!

She stumbled backward, nearly losing her balance.

Violette clutched the hem of her wedding dress, holding back her tears.

Her father's company was in a financial crisis, and he was recently hospitalized.

Her stepmother, Alexa, was marrying her off to the Bourne family for a hefty dowry. Alexa always said it was for the good of the Dennis family, but Violette knew it was just an excuse to kick her out!

What was worse, her boyfriend, who claimed to love her, had betrayed her!

No wonder Kaleb encouraged her to marry Elijah, planning to marry her himself once Elijah died.

It was all a scam!

She was suffocating, all the peace and beauty shattered.

The voices in the room got louder, and she clenched her fists. Her eyes were glinting with cold fury.

In the past, she was too naive, enduring the bullying from her stepmother and sister for her father's sake, tolerating all the injustices for the sake of the Dennis family.

Now, she wouldn't be played for a fool anymore!


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