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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 100

An hour later.

The driver brought Elijah’s personal stuff, including a hearty dinner.

Lacey packed a dinner for three in the thermal insulation box.

"Here are Mr. Bourne’s meds. I appreciate your help tonight," the driver handed the meds to Violette and then left.

Violette sat on the couch, eyeing Elijah’s stuff on the table, lost in thought.

Had she been too kind to him?

She should’ve kicked him out by noon, which would’ve saved a whole lot of trouble.

Suddenly, there were coughs from the bedroom.

Violette took a deep breath, grabbed the meds, and opened the bedroom door.

Since they were the only two in the house, she decided to keep the door open for ventilation.

Elijah had taken a shower and changed into clean clothes.

But, the bed was a mess.

"Got any water?" He was a bit thirsty.

She placed the meds on the bedside table and went out to fetch him a cup of water.

He followed her into the kitchen.

"Where’s your mom?" he asked.

"Thanks to you, my mom’s staying at a hotel," Violette handed him the cup of water, "Hungry? The driver brought dinner, you can eat."

He hadn’t eaten anything since noon and had been sleeping until now. He must be hungry.

"I just need some oatmeal." He didn’t have much appetite.

She brought the dinner from the living room coffee table

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e finished the oatmeal and put down the spoon.

"I messed up the bed, got any clean sheets? I’ll change them," he still looked pale, but much fresher after the shower.

"You go dry your hair. I’ll change the sheets," Seeing him now, she was a bit angry but had to hold it in.


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