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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 113

Joey: "Alright."

Soon, a cup of coffee appeared in front of Elijah.

Joey stepped out of the office, bumping into Melinda, who was without makeup, looking exceptionally pale.

Joey approached her, wanting to say something, but in the end, she said nothing.

Melinda entered the office and closed the door.

"Elijah, I’m sorry," she said, standing in front of him, her voice low. "It was all my brother’s doing. He knew about your leg, so he tricked you into climbing that mountain. That mountain is especially steep; we usually never go there. He wanted to hurt you."

Elijah looked at her pale face, went silent for a while, then said, "I know."

"I’m sorry. He won’t apologize, he’s already fled the country," Melinda said, struggling to hold back her tears. "Elijah, please have mercy on my family. My father is old, and I’m afraid he can’t handle a family crisis. If you want to punish someone, punish me. I’ll accept it."

Elijah watched her, still silent.

As if this was the first time he was seeing her true appearance.

Before, she was always made up, always presenting her best self to him.

"Melinda, I remember your years of companionship," he said calmly, devoid of any emotion. "Leave here, and never appear before me again. As long as you can do that, I won’t harm your family."

As soon as he finished speaking , Melinda broke into tears.

---It was over!

She and him, it was completely over!

She took a deep breath, trying to hold back her tears, but they flowed anyway.

She gave him one last look, then turned and ran out.

After Melinda left the Bourne Group, Brandon knocked on Elijah’s office door.

He knew Elijah didn’t want to hear about Melinda, so he didn’t bring it up.

"Elijah, your birthday is next week, if you don’t want to throw a party at a hotel, how about a small one at home?" suggested Brandon.

Elijah took a sip of his coffee and said coolly, "No party."


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